
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @diotoborg/laudantium-labore-alias

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40diotoborg/laudantium-labore-alias
Keywords: deepcopy, framer, protocol-buffers, jshint, curl, Symbol.toStringTag, pnpm9, prototype, file system, framework, Object.values, cloudformation, promises, package manager, arguments, forms, ecmascript, 3d, has, mkdir, spec, picomatch, arrays, es-shim API, readable, unicode, packages, debugger, lockfile, stringify, minimal, flatten, ReactiveExtensions, fast-deep-clone, eslint, moment, queueMicrotask, xdg, flatMap, react-testing-library, dataview, typeof, tslib, TypeScript, ES2020, BigInt64Array, ECMAScript 2016, yaml, ES, bdd, sns, deep, RegExp#flags, callbind, ES2017, array, gdpr, mkdirs, l10n, group, look-up, .env, beanstalk, callbound, utilities, jasmine, safe, assertion, form, eventEmitter, code points, parent, worker, routing, cloudtrail, inference, loadbalancing, testing, eventDispatcher, warning, agent, tdd, offset, css-in-js, ponyfill, every, Array, ECMAScript 2020, commander, mime-db, rgb, move, ES2015, optimist, argparse, toStringTag, filter, isConcatSpreadable, StyleSheet, module, ES7, throttle, from, find-up, zod, column, kinesis, weakmap, typeerror, symbol, path, private data, start, default, logger, WeakMap, groupBy, jsx, es2015, Int8Array, es-shims, stateless, bind, mru, equality, findup, ECMAScript 6, is, child, symlinks, Int16Array, form-validation, argument, hardlinks, logging, ECMAScript 2015, fullwidth, mapreduce, spawn, ES2022, monorepo, xterm, compare, break, variables, types, linewrap, Observable, batch, autoprefixer, getopt, fs, RxJS, columns, figlet, typed array, cloudwatch, busy, jQuery, browserslist, whatwg, higher-order, validation, descriptor, type, styleguide, phone, libphonenumber, cloudsearch, Push, regular expression, name, weakset, ES8, ECMAScript 2021, awesomesauce, ArrayBuffer, i18n, 0, io-ts, Object.fromEntries, xhr, immutable, CSSStyleDeclaration, Int32Array, tc39, coercible, stdlib, number, trim, create, directory, listeners, negative, duplex, characters, chrome, parents, pose, native, concurrency, tty, @@toStringTag, RegExp.prototype.flags, Stream, scheme-validation, iteration, ses, collection.es6, package, uuid, wget, storagegateway, pyyaml, chromium, command-line, speed, fastclone, names, iterate, utility, traverse, folder, schema, cmd, protobuf, query, endpoint, querystring, Symbol, keys, color, metadata, Map, ansi, text, typedarray, datastructure, identifiers, jsdiff, karma, js, trimStart, Promise, multi-package, accessibility, symbols, byteOffset, install, nodejs, eslintplugin, limited, elasticache, dataView, setImmediate, option, global, web, website, value, emoji, postcss, core-js, events, require, launch, jsdom, real-time, proxy, loading, [[Prototype]], censor, tape, syntaxerror, proto, styled-components
License: MIT
Latest release: 13 days ago
First release: 23 days ago
Namespace: diotoborg
Downloads: 1,189 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: about 13 hours ago
