
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @f1stnpm3/autem-occaecati-perferendis

This repository contains the Loupe Agent for modern web clients, which brings a lot of the familiar Loupe Agent functionality to client side logging, recording uncaught exceptions and allowing you to log messages to Loupe from your TypeScript and JavaScri

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40f1stnpm3/autem-occaecati-perferendis
Keywords: url, l10n, serialization, wait, accessor, typedarrays, regular expressions, datastructure, iam, data, WebSockets, rest, jest, touch, flatten, Streams, ES5, key, testing, inference, api, ArrayBuffer#slice, es-abstract, Object.assign, optimist, typanion, getopt, iterator, -0, Symbol, form, stylesheet, jasmine, formatting, moment, typeof, fixed-width, Observable, kinesis, classname, toSorted, equality, id, trimStart, ec2, argv, promises, call-bind, hardlinks, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, fast, metadata, BigUint64Array, unicode, progress, coercible, endpoint, state, RegExp#flags, ast, watchFile, entries, forms, filter, es7, less css, fps, prefix, stateless, parents, parsing, rm -fr,, set, throat, expression, airbnb, crypto, duplex, internal, toolkit, every, fastify, number, guid, flags, fsevents, route53, omit, Uint16Array, extension, process, bluebird, function, bootstrap less, bundler, module, typeerror, ECMAScript 3, style, jsdiff, break, eslintconfig, ES2021,, browserslist, pnpm9, request, Array.prototype.flatten, require, gdpr, phone, rm -rf, trimLeft, in, remove, weakset, stringifier, functional, ECMAScript 2019, isConcatSpreadable, rm, callbind, redux, styling, string, is, WebSocket, Uint8Array, $.extend, es-shim API, ECMAScript 5, efficient, delete, Object, sigint, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, promise, argument, package manager, fastclone, util.inspect, chinese, class-validator, dataview, rds, argparse, RxJS, banner, accessibility, ES2019, wrap, serialize, obj, install, browserlist, colors, qs, fast-copy, Array.prototype.findLast, es2017, readable, app, utilities, prune, findLast, intrinsic, js, hot, form-validation, hooks, compile less, joi, stringify, ES8, batch, zero, crypt, sinatra, validate, which, ECMAScript 6, group, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, vest, ie, workspace:*, input, sequence, worker, authentication, syntax, look, URL, irq, collection.es6, es5, wget, shell, postcss, some, typescript, middleware, fast-deep-copy, full-width, generics, ansi, once, busy, connect, glacier, hash, node, String.prototype.trim, dotenv, wordbreak, simpledb, cloudsearch, eventDispatcher, patch, signals, bundling, debug, Int8Array, logging, less, Map, ECMAScript 2021, wordwrap, column, drop, shrinkwrap, slice, buffers, zod, private data, uuid, typed, getPrototypeOf, Uint8ClampedArray, react, ECMAScript 2016, Promise, loadbalancing, symlink, limited, cors, descriptors, has-own, multi-package, styleguide, computed-types, side, css-in-js, ponyfill, take, circular, ReactiveExtensions, symbols, up, censor, dir, es, yaml, walking, utility, flat, cjk, classnames, streams2, tc39, typesafe, trim, values, flatMap, jsdom, es2015, workflow, figlet, getintrinsic, es6, eslintplugin, deepcopy, call-bound, ECMAScript 2020, xterm, random, length, configurable, fast-clone, ES6, toStringTag, cloudwatch, Object.entries, ascii, config, JSON-Schema, setImmediate, Symbol.toStringTag, queueMicrotask, read, real-time, performant, spec, superagent, await, output, concatMap, korean, querystring, watch, ECMAScript 2023, groupBy, flag, commander, eventEmitter, reuse, swf, deep-clone, from, parser, concurrency, exit-code, Iterator, less.js, estree, create, offset, defineProperty, tostringtag, styled-components, optimizer, String.prototype.matchAll, language, lint, exec, stream, es8, dynamodb, equal, callback, compare, signal, inspect, mru, toobject, installer, postcss-plugin, buffer, functions, text, rgb, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, sorted, variables in css, tester, task, shim, spinners, file, iterate, CSSStyleDeclaration
License: MIT
Latest release: 15 days ago
First release: 15 days ago
Namespace: f1stnpm3
Downloads: 75 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: about 17 hours ago
