
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @taktikorg/magnam-atque-sint

> Get synonyms for a word from OpenAI GPT-3 or GPT-4, or the WordsAPI. Optionally breaks hyphenated words into their parts and gets synonyms for each one. API and CLI.

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Keywords: ECMAScript 2021, toolkit, route53, args, columns, censor, Observable, waf, argument, modules, spec, fullwidth, javascript, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, fixed-width, ECMAScript 2019, immutable, exe, npm, electron, package.json, redact, exec, tester, parent, private data, ava, qs, time, map, output, protocol-buffers, commander, es5, getPrototypeOf, drop, length, espree, slot, extension, xdg-open, BigUint64Array, ponyfill, ES2023, regex, has, asserts, typesafe, negative zero, quote, make dir, telephone, cache, queue, Array.prototype.findLast, ES, functional, Symbol.toStringTag, filter, ES2016, own, ES2021, serialization, ArrayBuffer, -0, parse, streams, ebs, consume, libphonenumber, vest, shell, cloudformation, module, glacier, sorted, datastructure, bundling, eslintplugin, 256, ansi, value, findLastIndex, mime-db, patch, is, es-shims, last, react, jsdiff, string, Stream, utility, executable, moment, arraybuffer, prefix, Push, rmdir, sham, ECMAScript 2023, column, view, promises, array, shim, es8, ES2017, unicode, WeakSet, Object.values, react animation, color, dir, https, browser, stable, ajax, ajv, trimRight, express, banner, fs, workspace:*, chai, framework, obj, assign, trimLeft, break, tdd, Array.prototype.flatMap, debug, weakset, serializer, api, io-ts, styleguide, ArrayBuffer#slice, process, environments, format, fastcopy, limit, bluebird, ascii, art, properties, parents, omit, folder, querystring, generics, test, starter, has-own, Promise, sqs, write, inference, react-hook-form, performance, every, deepcopy, ts, includes, weakmap, circular, findup, installer, Array.prototype.contains, dependency manager, $.extend, js, emit, ES2022, listeners, bound, serialize, es-abstract, internal slot, Map, byte,, full, pose, merge, String.prototype.matchAll, extra, react-hooks, regular expressions, Array, ECMAScript 2020, isConcatSpreadable, assert, reuse, setImmediate, storagegateway, ECMAScript 5, logging, ES2015, limited, optimizer, wordbreak, redirect, coercible, computed-types,, structuredClone, style, bind, mobile, opens, flag, aws, real-time, ender, jsx, cli, elasticache, delete, escape, compare, terminal, nodejs, packages, jshint, callbound, validation, rapid, slice, deep, get, String.prototype.trim, which, byteLength, core-js, safe, schema, guid, make, byteOffset, Float64Array, colors, scheme, start, dom, events, character, argparse, sharedarraybuffer, name, pyyaml, zod, east-asian-width, RxJS, yaml, values, util.inspect, RegExp#flags, BigInt64Array, mru, apollo, identifiers, typeerror, batch, estree, iterate, jest, RegExp.prototype.flags, performant, buffer, fastify, ast, regular, http, ES8, rgb, ES2018, command, indicator, wget, visual, valid, collection, dayjs, postcss-plugin, chromium, spinners, dotenv, ec2, Iterator, callback, global, speed, tape, reduce, uninstall, app, xhr, query, width, Int32Array, from, immer, push, Array.prototype.filter, metadata, react-testing-library, ratelimit, proxy, mime, ie, lazy, Int8Array, await, ECMAScript 2015, url, polyfill, Rx, cjk, helpers, rds, Array.prototype.includes, graphql, xdg, typed array, accessor, eventEmitter, trimStart, iterator, symbol, open, tty, mkdirs, eventDispatcher, settings, parsing, property, whatwg, console, YAML, tools, look, dataview, japanese, joi, ReactiveExtensions, deepclone, some, proto, eslint-plugin, Uint16Array, readable, logger, superagent, positive, jasmine, error, es6, 0, ECMAScript 3, superstruct, rm, sameValueZero, lru, link, description, descriptors, emr, symlinks, characters, full-width, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, l10n, tostringtag, offset, hash, postcss, extend, debugger, in, install, ECMAScript 2018, importexport, fast-copy, equal, mapreduce, curl, colour, forEach, airbnb, es7, formatting, ses, trimEnd, setter, getintrinsic, package manager, form, ReactiveX, id, readablestream, spring, assertion, zero, Object.getPrototypeOf, Streams, toArray, validate, swf, ECMAScript 2016, sort, progress, [[Prototype]], Array.prototype.flatten, option, glob, idle, up, child, scheme-validation, once, contains, persistent, HyBi, object, core, jsdom, command-line, findLast, duplex, toobject, cloudwatch, utilities, convert, TypeBox, rm -rf, cloudfront, pretty, deep-clone, redux-toolkit, vpc, invariant, cloudtrail, warning, css, file, parser, busy, URLSearchParams, arrays, CSSStyleDeclaration, nope, tc39, vars, fast, globals, icu, buffers, default, random, arktype, Underscore, minimal, create, ECMAScript 6, opener, URL, drag, css-in-js, call, s3, promise, fetch, negative, CSS, toStringTag, Uint32Array, simpledb, input, jQuery, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getopt, stringifier, AsyncIterator, number, browserslist, queueMicrotask, Symbol, Uint8Array, diff, cloudsearch, keys, dataView, function.length, editor, protobuf, react pose, fast-deep-copy, concurrency, find, styled-components, typescript, remove, read, dom-testing-library, worker, flatten, clone, gestures, intrinsic, variables, lint, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, urls, node, ES3, take, forms, higher-order, typedarrays, key, Uint8ClampedArray, bundler, iconv, popmotion, rfc4122, ECMAScript 2017, find-up, Observables, WeakMap, multi-package, redux, waapi, Float32Array, entries, wrap, fast-clone, Int16Array, streams2, monorepo, ECMAScript 2022, search, check, amazon, shebang, WebSockets, workflow, groupBy, lockfile, flatMap, plugin, util, sequence, typedarray, throat, deterministic, spawn, mimetypes, type, xterm, package, testing, karma, sns, writable, Object, rm -fr, throttle, helper, fps, match, reducer, trim, setPrototypeOf, walk, StyleSheet, Object.entries, concatMap, data, typeof, wordwrap, typanion, fast-deep-clone, wait, matchAll, pnpm9, functions, Object.fromEntries, toSorted, types, rangeerror, bdd, tap, json, _.extend, animation, kinesis, Object.keys, touch, Set, enumerable, endpoint, flat, spinner, Array.prototype.flat, es2017, TypeScript, config, function, yup, symlink, ES5, stringify, ES2019, tslib, resolve, cmd, Object.defineProperty, beanstalk, routing, es2016, styles, crypto, web, autoprefixer, syntax, async, recursive, shared, names, emoji, 3d, equality, descriptor, date
License: MIT
Latest release: 13 days ago
First release: 23 days ago
Namespace: taktikorg
Downloads: 1,297 last month
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Last synced: about 8 hours ago
