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Package fx is a framework that makes it easy to build applications out of reusable, composable modules. Fx applications use dependency injection to eliminate globals without the tedium of manually wiring together function calls. Unlike other approaches to dependency injection, Fx works with plain Go functions: you don't need to use struct tags or embed special types, so Fx automatically works well with most Go packages. Basic usage is explained in the package-level example. If you're new to Fx, start there! Advanced features, including named instances, optional parameters, and value groups, are explained in this section further down. To test functions that use the Lifecycle type or to write end-to-end tests of your Fx application, use the helper functions and types provided by the package. Fx constructors declare their dependencies as function parameters. This can quickly become unreadable if the constructor has a lot of dependencies. To improve the readability of constructors like this, create a struct that lists all the dependencies as fields and change the function to accept that struct instead. The new struct is called a parameter struct. Fx has first class support for parameter structs: any struct embedding fx.In gets treated as a parameter struct, so the individual fields in the struct are supplied via dependency injection. Using a parameter struct, we can make the constructor above much more readable: Though it's rarelly necessary to mix the two, constructors can receive any combination of parameter structs and parameters. Result structs are the inverse of parameter structs. These structs represent multiple outputs from a single function as fields. Fx treats all structs embedding fx.Out as result structs, so other constructors can rely on the result struct's fields directly. Without result structs, we sometimes have function definitions like this: With result structs, we can make this both more readable and easier to modify in the future: Some use cases require the application container to hold multiple values of the same type. A constructor that produces a result struct can tag any field with `name:".."` to have the corresponding value added to the graph under the specified name. An application may contain at most one unnamed value of a given type, but may contain any number of named values of the same type. Similarly, a constructor that accepts a parameter struct can tag any field with `name:".."` to have the corresponding value injected by name. Note that both the name AND type of the fields on the parameter struct must match the corresponding result struct. Constructors often have optional dependencies on some types: if those types are missing, they can operate in a degraded state. Fx supports optional dependencies via the `optional:"true"` tag to fields on parameter structs. If an optional field isn't available in the container, the constructor receives the field's zero value. Constructors that declare optional dependencies MUST gracefully handle situations in which those dependencies are absent. The optional tag also allows adding new dependencies without breaking existing consumers of the constructor. The optional tag may be combined with the name tag to declare a named value dependency optional. To make it easier to produce and consume many values of the same type, Fx supports named, unordered collections called value groups. Constructors can send values into value groups by returning a result struct tagged with `group:".."`. Any number of constructors may provide values to this named collection, but the ordering of the final collection is unspecified. Value groups require parameter and result structs to use fields with different types: if a group of constructors each returns type T, parameter structs consuming the group must use a field of type []T. Parameter structs can request a value group by using a field of type []T tagged with `group:".."`. This will execute all constructors that provide a value to that group in an unspecified order, then collect all the results into a single slice. Note that values in a value group are unordered. Fx makes no guarantees about the order in which these values will be produced. By default, when a constructor declares a dependency on a value group, all values provided to that value group are eagerly instantiated. That is undesirable for cases where an optional component wants to constribute to a value group, but only if it was actually used by the rest of the application. A soft value group can be thought of as a best-attempt at populating the group with values from constructors that have already run. In other words, if a constructor's output type is only consumed by a soft value group, it will not be run. Note that Fx randomizes the order of values in the value group, so the slice of values may not match the order in which constructors were run. To declare a soft relationship between a group and its constructors, use the `soft` option on the input group tag (`group:"[groupname],soft"`). This option is only valid for input parameters. With such a declaration, a constructor that provides a value to the 'server' value group will be called only if there's another instantiated component that consumes the results of that constructor. NewHandlerAndLogger will be called because the Logger is consumed by the application, but NewHandler will not be called because it's only consumed by the soft value group. By default, values of type T produced to a value group are consumed as []T. This means that if the producer produces []T, the consumer must consume [][]T. There are cases where it's desirable for the producer (the fx.Out) to produce multiple values ([]T), and for the consumer (the fx.In) consume them as a single slice ([]T). Fx offers flattened value groups for this purpose. To provide multiple values for a group from a result struct, produce a slice and use the `,flatten` option on the group tag. This indicates that each element in the slice should be injected into the group individually. By default, a type that embeds fx.In may not have any unexported fields. The following will return an error if used with Fx. If you have need of unexported fields on such a type, you may opt-into ignoring unexported fields by adding the ignore-unexported struct tag to the fx.In. For example,

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
Keywords: app-framework, dependency-injection, framework, go, golang, service
License: MIT
Latest release: about 1 month ago
First release: over 7 years ago
Dependent packages: 2,015
Dependent repositories: 2,237
Stars: 5,058 on GitHub
Forks: 267 on GitHub
Docker dependents: 316
Docker downloads: 405,372,182
Total Commits: 897
Committers: 76
Average commits per author: 11.803
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.851
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Last synced: 1 day ago
