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Datasets is a lightweight library providing two main features: - one-line dataloaders for many public datasets: one-liners to download and pre-process any of the number of datasets major public datasets (text datasets in 467 languages and dialects, image datasets, audio datasets, etc.) provided on the HuggingFace Datasets Hub. With a simple command like squad_dataset = load_dataset("squad"), get any of these datasets ready to use in a dataloader for training/evaluating a ML model (Numpy/Pandas/PyTorch/TensorFlow/JAX), - efficient data pre-processing: simple, fast and reproducible data pre-processing for the above public datasets as well as your own local datasets in CSV/JSON/text/PNG/JPEG/etc. With simple commands like `processed_dataset =`, efficiently prepare the dataset for inspection and ML model evaluation and training.

Registry - Source - JSON
purl: pkg:conda/datasets
Keywords: computer-vision, datasets, deep-learning, hacktoberfest, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, nlp, numpy, pandas, pytorch, speech, tensorflow
License: Apache-2.0
Latest release: 11 months ago
First release: over 2 years ago
Dependent packages: 4
Dependent repositories: 29
Stars: 15,553 on GitHub
Forks: 2,068 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: 1 day ago
