
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries.

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Top 0.4% forks on : scikit-learn

Scikit-learn is an open source machine learning library that supports supervised and unsupervised learning. It also provides various tools for model fitting, data preprocessing, model selection, model evaluation, and many other utilities.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:conda/scikit-learn
Keywords: data-analysis, data-science, machine-learning, python, statistics
License: BSD-3-Clause
Latest release: 9 months ago
First release: over 6 years ago
Dependent packages: 71
Dependent repositories: 5,166
Stars: 53,432 on GitHub
Forks: 24,086 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Funding links:
Last synced: 25 days ago

lightgbm 4.3.0
A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based...
8 versions - Latest release: 4 days ago - 2 dependent packages - 100 dependent repositories - 14,768 stars on GitHub
Top 9.3% on
py-xgboost 2.0.3 💰
XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, fl...
11 versions - Latest release: 6 days ago - 2 dependent packages - 122 dependent repositories - 23,883 stars on GitHub
snowflake-ml-python 1.4.0
The machine learning client library that is used for interacting with Snowflake to build machine ...
18 versions - Latest release: 7 days ago - 7 stars on GitHub
orange3 3.36.2 💰
Open source data visualization and data analysis for novice and expert. Interactive workflows wit...
12 versions - Latest release: 15 days ago - 2 dependent repositories - 4,124 stars on GitHub
pmdarima 2.0.4 💰
Pmdarima (originally pyramid-arima, for the anagram of 'py' + 'arima') is a statistical library d...
3 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 3 dependent packages - 8 dependent repositories - 1,331 stars on GitHub
mlxtend 0.23.1
A library of Python tools and extensions for data science and machine learning.
2 versions - Latest release: 2 months ago - 9 dependent repositories - 4,504 stars on GitHub
openai 1.9.0
The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written ...
3 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 1 dependent package - 5 dependent repositories - 8,278 stars on GitHub
mlflow 2.9.2
MLflow is a platform to streamline machine learning development, including tracking experiments, ...
4 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 40 dependent repositories - 14,910 stars on GitHub
category_encoders 2.6.3
A set of scikit-learn-style transformers for encoding categorical variables into numeric with dif...
6 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 2 dependent packages - 12 dependent repositories - 2,214 stars on GitHub
imbalanced-learn 0.11.0
imbalanced-learn is a python package offering a number of re-sampling techniques commonly used in...
2 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 2 dependent packages - 118 dependent repositories - 6,280 stars on GitHub
umap-learn 0.5.4
umap-learn provides the UMAP manifold based dimension reduction algorithm. The package provides a...
2 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 84 dependent repositories - 6,476 stars on GitHub
shap 0.42.1
SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) is a unified approach to explain the output of any machine l...
3 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 2 dependent packages - 51 dependent repositories - 18,799 stars on GitHub
This project is about explaining what machine learning classifiers (or models) are doing. At the ...
1 version - Latest release: 8 months ago - 6 dependent repositories - 10,793 stars on GitHub
treeinterpreter 0.2.3
Package for interpreting scikit-learn's decision tree and random forest predictions. Allows decom...
1 version - Latest release: 9 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 729 stars on GitHub
pymc-experimental 0.0.9 💰
A home for new additions to PyMC, which may include unusual probability distribitions, advanced m...
1 version - Latest release: 9 months ago - 39 stars on GitHub
prince 0.10.8
Prince is a Python library for multivariate exploratory data analysis in Python. It includes a va...
1 version - Latest release: 10 months ago - 9 dependent repositories - 1,060 stars on GitHub
yellowbrick 1.5 💰
A suite of visual analysis and diagnostic tools for machine learning.
2 versions - Latest release: 11 months ago - 15 dependent repositories - 4,083 stars on GitHub
scikit-plot 0.3.7
Scikit-plot is a Python library that provides easy-to-use functions for visualizing machine learn...
1 version - Latest release: 11 months ago - 13 dependent repositories - 2,348 stars on GitHub
tbats 1.1.3
BATS and TBATS for time series forecasting
1 version - Latest release: 11 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 157 stars on GitHub
kmodes 0.12.2
Python implementations of the k-modes and k-prototypes clustering algorithms for clustering categ...
1 version - Latest release: 11 months ago - 3 dependent repositories - 1,179 stars on GitHub
pyod 1.0.9
A Python Toolkit for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
1 version - Latest release: 11 months ago - 4 dependent repositories - 7,369 stars on GitHub
pyts 0.12.0
pyts is a Python package for time series transformation and classification. It aims to make time ...
1 version - Latest release: 11 months ago - 6 dependent repositories - 1,566 stars on GitHub
pynndescent 0.5.10
A Python nearest neighbor descent for approximate nearest neighbors. This is a relatively straigh...
7 versions - Latest release: 11 months ago - 1 dependent package - 25 dependent repositories - 760 stars on GitHub
dask-ml 2023.3.24 💰
Dask-ML provides scalable machine learning in Python using Dask alongside popular machine learnin...
21 versions - Latest release: 12 months ago - 1 dependent package - 78 dependent repositories - 839 stars on GitHub
skl2onnx 1.14.0
sklearn-onnx converts scikit-learn models to ONNX. Once in the ONNX format, you can use tools lik...
2 versions - Latest release: 12 months ago - 2 dependent packages - 1 dependent repositories - 416 stars on GitHub
scikit-learn-intelex 2023.1.1
<strong>LEGAL NOTICE: Use of this software package is subject to the software license agreement (...
7 versions - Latest release: about 1 year ago - 2 dependent packages - 63 dependent repositories - 919 stars on GitHub
adtk 0.6.2
This package offers a set of common detectors, transformers and aggregators with unified APIs, as...
1 version - Latest release: about 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 922 stars on GitHub
mapclassify 2.5.0
mapclassify implements a family of classification schemes for choropleth maps. Its focus is on th...
8 versions - Latest release: about 1 year ago - 2 dependent packages - 158 dependent repositories - 108 stars on GitHub
skope-rules 1.0.1
machine learning with logical rules in Python
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 523 stars on GitHub
coiled-runtime 0.1.1
Coiled Runtime is a metapackage that pins Dask, and other packages commonly used with Dask, to a ...
4 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 13 stars on GitHub
aimodelshare 0.0.144
23 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 36 stars on GitHub
biofilm 0.0.98
make it easy to generate a FILtering Models for BIOlogical data
3 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 0 stars on GitHub
megnet 1.3.2
2 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago
rubicon-ml 0.4.0
rubicon-ml is a machine learning solution designed to help standardize the model development life...
33 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent repositories - 99 stars on GitHub
caiman 1.9.12
CaImAn implements a set of essential methods required in analysis pipelines for large scale calci...
30 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 1 dependent repositories - 510 stars on GitHub
fabba 1.0.7
🐸 An open source efficient symbolic time series compression technique
3 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 22 stars on GitHub
flaml 1.0.14
A fast library for AutoML and tuning. Join our Discord:
31 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 1 dependent repositories - 2,337 stars on GitHub
Top 4.0% on
mlflow 2.0.1
Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
43 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 9 dependent packages - 40 dependent repositories - 13,891 stars on GitHub
adversarial-robustness-toolbox 1.12.2
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for Machine Learning Security - Evasion, Po...
19 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 3,548 stars on GitHub
mage-ai 0.7.5
🧙 The modern replacement for Airflow. Build, run, and manage data pipelines for integrating and t...
22 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 3,631 stars on GitHub
lumicks.pylake 0.13.2
Bluelake data analysis tools
25 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 13 stars on GitHub
autots 0.5.1
AutoTS is a time series package for Python designed for rapidly deploying high-accuracy forecasts...
6 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 693 stars on GitHub
doubleml 0.5.2
The Python package DoubleML provides an implementation of the double / debiased machine learning ...
10 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 261 stars on GitHub
virocon 2.1.0
A Python package to compute environmental contours.
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 18 stars on GitHub
wetterdienst 0.48.0 💰
Open weather data for humans.
43 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 241 stars on GitHub
neurokit2 0.2.2 💰
This package is the continuation of NeuroKit 1. It's a user-friendly package providing easy acces...
13 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 938 stars on GitHub
loos 4.0.3
LOOS is a C++ library for developing new tools to analyze molecular dynamics simulations. It is d...
3 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 106 stars on GitHub
pyemir 0.18.0
EMIR is a wide-field, near-infrared (Z, J, H and K bands), multi-object spectrograph for the Nasm...
9 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 6 stars on GitHub
ax-platform 0.2.9
Adaptive Experimentation Platform
7 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 1 dependent repositories - 2,015 stars on GitHub
elapid 0.3.18
Species distribution modeling tools, including a python implementation of Maxent
4 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 15 stars on GitHub
professor 2.3.4
Professor is a tuning tool for Monte Carlo event generators, based on the ideas described in "Tun...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 0 stars on
tvb-framework 2.7.1
The Virtual Brain Project (TVB Project) has the purpose of offering some | modern tools to the Ne...
6 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 67 stars on GitHub
Top 6.1% on
mne 1.2.2
The main package for MNE-Python is named `mne` in conda-forge and should be suitable for most use...
45 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 9 dependent packages - 52 dependent repositories - 2,181 stars on GitHub
datamol 0.8.4
Molecular Processing Made Easy.
55 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 349 stars on GitHub
matminer 0.8.0
matminer is a library for performing data mining in the field of materials science.
14 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 7 dependent packages - 5 dependent repositories - 431 stars on GitHub
simpeg 0.18.1
13 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 15 dependent repositories
rubin-env-nosysroot 5.0.0 💰
This metapackage exists to define the Rubin Observatory common software environment, including ve...
16 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent packages - 0 stars on GitHub
cesium 0.10.1
Machine Learning Time-Series Platform
3 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 635 stars on GitHub
Top 2.6% on
py-xgboost 1.7.1 💰
XGBoost is an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, fl...
18 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 13 dependent packages - 122 dependent repositories - 23,883 stars on GitHub
pyagrum 1.4.1
59 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package
spectrafit 0.12.5
SpectraFit is a command-line and Jupyter-notebook tool for quick data-fitting based on the regula...
8 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent packages - 11 stars on GitHub
des-y6utils 0.6.0
random bits of useful code for Y6 analysis
7 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 1 stars on GitHub
exmol 2.2.0
Explainer for black box models that predict molecule properties
13 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 150 stars on GitHub
deepchecks 0.9.2
Deepchecks - Tests for Continuous Validation of ML Models & Data. Deepchecks is a Python package ...
19 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2,499 stars on GitHub
txm_sandbox 0.2.3
TXM_Sandbox is a GUI program based on Jupyter that integrates tomography reconstruction and 2D/3D...
8 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 4 stars on GitHub
evalml-core 0.61.1
EvalML is an AutoML library written in python.
58 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 592 stars on GitHub
nlp-primitives 2.9.0
Natural Language Processing primitives for Featuretools
12 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent packages - 34 stars on GitHub
hesperos 0.1.33
Napari plugin
8 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 3 stars on GitHub
tbats 1.1.1
BATS and TBATS forecasting methods
2 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 3 dependent packages - 1 dependent repositories - 148 stars on GitHub
_anaconda_depends 5.3.1
The same dependencies as the anaconda metapackage, without pinned versions. _anaconda_depends is ...
23 versions - Latest release: almost 5 years ago - 1 dependent package - 41 dependent repositories
anaconda 5.3.1
Anaconda is a Python distribution which includes over 400 Python packages for science, math, engi...
25 versions - Latest release: over 5 years ago - 206 dependent repositories