
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries.

carthage "ios" keyword

hyperoslo/Lightbox 2.5.1
:milky_way: A convenient and easy to use image viewer for your iOS app
14 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 3 dependent repositories - 1,586 stars on GitHub
Top 5.5% on carthage
Juanpe/SkeletonView 1.30.4 💰
☠️ An elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them to which conten...
73 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 4 dependent repositories - 11,774 stars on GitHub
Ramotion/folding-cell 5.0.2
:octocat: 📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation made by @Ramotion
51 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 10,205 stars on GitHub
Top 8.8% on carthage
datatheorem/TrustKit 3.0.4
Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
36 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 9 dependent repositories - 1,846 stars on GitHub
Ramotion/paper-switch 3.1.0
:octocat: 🎚 RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift material design UI module which paints over the parent view...
20 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2,942 stars on GitHub
Top 7.6% on carthage
HeroTransitions/Hero 1.6.3 💰
Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
39 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 21,309 stars on GitHub
Top 8.0% on carthage
AudioKit/AudioKit 5.6.3 💰
Audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
104 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 9,934 stars on GitHub
Otbivnoe/Framezilla 2.9.1
Elegant library that wraps working with frames with a nice chaining syntax.
20 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 133 stars on GitHub
GuanceCloud/datakit-ios 1.4.11
DataKit ios app
230 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 1 dependent repositories - 16 stars on GitHub
krzyzanowskim/OpenSSL 3.1.5000 💰
OpenSSL package for SPM, CocoaPod, and Carthage, for iOS and macOS
52 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 11 dependent repositories - 760 stars on GitHub
jpsim/Yams 5.1.2 💰
A Sweet and Swifty YAML parser.
43 versions - Latest release: 17 days ago - 19 dependent repositories - 960 stars on GitHub
krzysztofzablocki/LifetimeTracker 1.8.3 💰
Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner.
30 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2,817 stars on GitHub
yenom/BitcoinKit v1.1.0
Bitcoin protocol toolkit for Swift
17 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 3 dependent repositories - 790 stars on GitHub
Top 10.0% on carthage
Ramotion/paper-onboarding 6.1.5
:octocat: PaperOnboarding is a material design UI slider. Swift UI library by @Ramotion
33 versions - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 3 dependent repositories - 3,292 stars on GitHub
Top 8.2% on carthage
freshOS/Stevia 5.1.4 💰
:leaves: Concise Autolayout code
51 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 10 dependent repositories - 3,340 stars on GitHub
freshOS/Then 7.0.2 💰
:clapper: Tame async code with battle-tested promises
43 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 969 stars on GitHub
freshOS/Arrow 6.0.2
🏹 Parse JSON with style
37 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 378 stars on GitHub
Top 4.1% on carthage
cbpowell/MarqueeLabel 4.4.0 💰
A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the l...
112 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 33 dependent repositories - 3,983 stars on GitHub
Top 1.5% on carthage
Quick/Quick v7.5.0 💰
The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
55 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 713 dependent repositories - 9,630 stars on GitHub
cats-oss/Sica 0.4.1
:deer: Simple Interface Core Animation. Run type-safe animation sequencially or parallelly
9 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 1,048 stars on GitHub
Top 8.8% on carthage
shogo4405/HaishinKit.swift 1.7.2 💰
Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP and SRT for iOS, macOS, tvOS and visionOS.
136 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 4 dependent repositories - 2,608 stars on GitHub
Top 5.3% on carthage
skywinder/ActionSheetPicker-3.0 2.7.1 💰
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.
89 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 11 dependent repositories - 3,396 stars on GitHub
Top 3.5% on carthage
Swinject/Swinject 2.8.7
Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
45 versions - Latest release: 5 days ago - 61 dependent repositories - 5,704 stars on GitHub
readium/r2-testapp-swift 2.2.2
28 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 151 stars on GitHub
Audiobook toolkit for iOS app
Latest release: about 18 hours ago - 1 dependent repositories - 0 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/SDWebImageSwiftUI 3.0.2
SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage
65 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,639 stars on GitHub
Top 0.5% on carthage
onevcat/Kingfisher 7.11.0 💰
A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
193 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 134 dependent repositories - 21,082 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/SDWebImageWebPCoder 0.14.5
A WebP coder plugin for SDWebImage, use libwebp
39 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 169 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/libavif-Xcode 0.11.1
A wrapper for libavif + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
49 versions - Latest release: 12 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 13 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/libheif-Xcode 1.16.2
A wrapper for libheif + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
23 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 5 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/libwebp-Xcode 1.3.2
A wrapper for libwebp + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
15 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 6 dependent repositories - 46 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/libaom-Xcode 3.0.0
A wrapper for libaom + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
7 versions - Latest release: 12 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 5 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/SDWebImageFLPlugin 0.6.0
A SDWebImage plugin to support GIF using FLAnimatedImage and category
8 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 7 dependent repositories - 25 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/libde265-Xcode 1.0.15
A wrapper for libde265 + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods && SwiftPM.
14 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 12 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/libflif-Xcode 0.3.0
A wrapper for libflif + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods.
1 version - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2 stars on GitHub
SDWebImage/libbpg-Xcode 0.9.8
A wrapper for libbpg + Xcode project. Support Carthage && CocoaPods.
1 version - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2 stars on GitHub
Top 9.7% on carthage
hyperoslo/ImagePicker 3.2.0
:camera: Reinventing the way ImagePicker works.
12 versions - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 4,806 stars on GitHub
BatchLabs/Batch-iOS-SDK 2.0.0
Batch SDK for iOS
31 versions - Latest release: about 22 hours ago - 2 dependent repositories - 29 stars on GitHub
hyperoslo/Whisper 6.1.0
:mega: Whisper is a component that will make the task of display messages and in-app notification...
16 versions - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 3,754 stars on GitHub
KyoheiG3/DynamicBlurView 5.0.5
DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
29 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 4 dependent repositories - 927 stars on GitHub
Swinject/SwinjectPropertyLoader 1.0.0
Swinject extension to load property values from resources
3 versions - Latest release: about 7 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 27 stars on GitHub
psharanda/Atributika 5.0.4
Convert text with HTML tags, links, hashtags, mentions into NSAttributedString. Make them clickab...
71 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,313 stars on GitHub
yandexmobile/metrica-sdk-ios 4.5.2
AppMetrica is a free real-time ad tracking and mobile app analytics solution.
61 versions - Latest release: 11 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 68 stars on GitHub
Top 4.0% on carthage
Instagram/IGListKit 4.0.0
A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
10 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 7 dependent repositories - 12,592 stars on GitHub
eggswift/ESTabBarController 2.9.0
:octocat: ESTabBarController is a Swift model for customize UI, badge and adding animation to tab...
18 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 5,070 stars on GitHub
saoudrizwan/Disk 0.6.4
Delightful framework for iOS to easily persist structs, images, and data
28 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 3,018 stars on GitHub
jessesquires/JSQSystemSoundPlayer 5.0.0 💰
A fancy Obj-C wrapper for Cocoa System Sound Services
20 versions - Latest release: over 6 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 583 stars on GitHub
applivery/applivery-ios-sdk v3.3.0
Applivery iOS SDK
31 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 29 stars on GitHub
cezheng/Fuzi 3.1.3
A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
19 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 56 dependent repositories - 1,010 stars on GitHub
Top 4.8% on carthage
patchthecode/JTAppleCalendar 8.0.5
The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. Swift calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% ...
63 versions - Latest release: 11 months ago - 8 dependent repositories - 7,321 stars on GitHub
Top 6.3% on carthage
apollographql/apollo-ios 1.10.0
📱  A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift.
168 versions - Latest release: 12 days ago - 7 dependent repositories - 3,617 stars on GitHub
Top 8.3% on carthage
evgenyneu/keychain-swift 21.0.0
Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
56 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 9 dependent repositories - 2,382 stars on GitHub
Top 3.8% on carthage
soffes/SAMKeychain v1.5.3
Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS
25 versions - Latest release: over 6 years ago - 15 dependent repositories - 5,396 stars on GitHub
couchbase/couchbase-lite-ios 3.1.6
Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for iOS and MacOS apps.
94 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 4 dependent repositories - 1,581 stars on GitHub
xmartlabs/MetalPerformanceShadersProxy 0.3.0 💰
A proxy for MetalPerformanceShaders which takes to a stub on a simulator and to the real implemen...
10 versions - Latest release: over 5 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 43 stars on GitHub
yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift 10.1.1
Simple QRCode reader in Swift
55 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 5 dependent repositories - 1,282 stars on GitHub
devxoul/Toaster 2.3.0
🍞 Toast for Swift
31 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,619 stars on GitHub
Top 9.8% on carthage
exyte/Macaw 0.9.10
Powerful and easy-to-use vector graphics Swift library with SVG support
17 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 5,901 stars on GitHub
WorldDownTown/RangeSeekSlider 1.8.0
RangeSeedSlider provides a customizable range slider like a UISlider.
16 versions - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 3 dependent repositories - 656 stars on GitHub
devxoul/URLNavigator 2.5.1
⛵️ Elegant URL Routing for Swift
37 versions - Latest release: 10 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 3,001 stars on GitHub
Top 8.9% on carthage
madebybowtie/FlagKit 2.4.0
Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
14 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 5 dependent repositories - 2,920 stars on GitHub
kasketis/netfox 1.21.0 💰
A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library! 🦊
55 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 3,432 stars on GitHub
Top 9.7% on carthage
Yummypets/YPImagePicker 5.2.2 💰
📸 Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS
48 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 4,026 stars on GitHub
marcosgriselli/ViewAnimator 3.1.0
ViewAnimator brings your UI to life with just one line
24 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 6,924 stars on GitHub
sindresorhus/Defaults v8.2.0 💰
💾 Swifty and modern UserDefaults
34 versions - Latest release: 2 months ago - 7 dependent repositories - 1,786 stars on GitHub
BlinkID/blinkid-ios v6.6.0
Everything you need to add AI-driven ID scanning into your native iOS app.
89 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 1 dependent repositories - 368 stars on GitHub
dmrschmidt/DSWaveformImage 14.2.2 💰
Generate waveform images from audio files on iOS, macOS & visionOS in Swift. Native SwiftUI & UIK...
57 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 5 dependent repositories - 805 stars on GitHub
Top 0.8% on carthage
airbnb/lottie-ios 4.4.1 💰
An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
69 versions - Latest release: 2 months ago - 40 dependent repositories - 23,828 stars on GitHub
auth0/Auth0.swift 2.7.0
Auth0 SDK for Apple platforms
93 versions - Latest release: 15 days ago - 36 dependent repositories - 242 stars on GitHub
auth0/JWTDecode.swift 3.1.0
A JWT decoder for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
27 versions - Latest release: 11 months ago - 12 dependent repositories - 514 stars on GitHub
eddiekaiger/SwiftyAttributes v5.4.0
A Swifty API for attributed strings
20 versions - Latest release: 11 months ago - 1,536 stars on GitHub
auth0/Lock.swift 2.24.1
A Swift & iOS framework to authenticate using Auth0 and with a Native Look & Feel
115 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 249 stars on GitHub
luispadron/UICircularProgressRing v8.0.0
A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift
68 versions - Latest release: about 3 years ago - 3 dependent repositories - 1,710 stars on GitHub
auth0/SimpleKeychain 1.1.0
A simple Keychain wrapper for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS
26 versions - Latest release: 11 months ago - 21 dependent repositories - 439 stars on GitHub
LeoNatan/LNPopupController 2.18.8 💰
A framework for presenting view controllers as popups of other view controllers, much like the Ap...
194 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2,974 stars on GitHub
futuretap/InAppSettingsKit 3.6.2 💰
This iOS framework allows settings to be in-app in addition to or instead of being in the Setting...
67 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 3,148 stars on GitHub
zekunyan/TTGTagCollectionView 2.4.2 💰
Useful for showing text or custom view tags in a vertical or horizontal scrollable view and suppo...
40 versions - Latest release: 12 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,779 stars on GitHub
adamshin/SwiftReorder 7.2.0
Easy UITableView drag-and-drop cell reordering
19 versions - Latest release: almost 5 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 380 stars on GitHub
Yalantis/Segmentio 2.1.2
Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
20 versions - Latest release: over 7 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2,433 stars on GitHub
spromicky/StepSlider 1.8.0
StepSlider its custom implementation of slider such as UISlider for preset integer values.
20 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 525 stars on GitHub
urbanairship/ios-library 18.0.1
Urban Airship iOS SDK
216 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 2 dependent repositories - 478 stars on GitHub
SwipeCellKit/SwipeCellKit 2.7.1
Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock, implemented in Swift.
33 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 5,991 stars on GitHub
Top 8.1% on carthage
JonasGessner/JGProgressHUD 2.2.0 💰
An elegant and simple progress HUD for iOS and tvOS, compatible with Swift and ObjC.
35 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 6 dependent repositories - 3,230 stars on GitHub
p2/OAuth2 5.3.4
OAuth2 framework for macOS and iOS, written in Swift.
49 versions - Latest release: 2 months ago - 4 dependent repositories - 1,095 stars on GitHub
gmarm/BetterSegmentedControl 2.0.1
An easy to use, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl & UISwitch.
19 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2,012 stars on GitHub
Yalantis/Koloda 5.0.1
KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
35 versions - Latest release: about 4 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 5,186 stars on GitHub
TakeScoop/SwiftyButton 0.8.2
Simple and customizable button in Swift
11 versions - Latest release: almost 6 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 545 stars on GitHub
calimarkus/JDStatusBarNotification 2.2.2
Highly customizable & feature rich notifications. Interactive dismiss. Custom Views. SwiftUI. Tap...
40 versions - Latest release: 30 days ago - 1 dependent repositories - 3,962 stars on GitHub
zekunyan/TTGSnackbar 1.12.0 💰
TTGSnackbar shows simple message and action button on the bottom or top of the screen with multi ...
52 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 1 dependent repositories - 614 stars on GitHub
SteveBarnegren/TweenKit 1.0.3
Animation library for iOS in Swift
12 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,284 stars on GitHub
shu223/Pulsator 0.6.3 💰
Pulse animation for iOS
15 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 3 dependent repositories - 1,359 stars on GitHub
maxkonovalov/MKRingProgressView 2.3.0
⭕️ Ring progress view similar to Activity app on Apple Watch
19 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,433 stars on GitHub
52inc/Pulley 2.9.1
A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
50 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 1,983 stars on GitHub
PGSSoft/AutoMate 1.8.0
Swift framework containing a set of helpful XCTest extensions for writing UI automation tests
17 versions - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 275 stars on GitHub
wordpress-mobile/AztecEditor-iOS 1.19.11
A reusable native iOS visual HTML text editor component.
185 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 73 dependent repositories - 536 stars on GitHub
raspu/Highlightr 2.1.2
iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter.
12 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,426 stars on GitHub
Friend-LGA/LGSideMenuController 3.1.2
iOS view controller which manages left and right side views
32 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,973 stars on GitHub
ss-abramchuk/OpenVPNAdapter 0.8.0
Objective-C wrapper for OpenVPN library. Compatible with iOS and macOS.
9 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 4 dependent repositories - 423 stars on GitHub
layoutBox/FlexLayout 1.10.1
FlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementati...
72 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,758 stars on GitHub
vtourraine/VTAcknowledgementsViewController 2.0.1
Acknowledgements screen displaying a list of licenses, for example from CocoaPods dependencies.
31 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 865 stars on GitHub