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Top 4.5% forks on : root-binaries

Almost everything in ROOT should be supported in this Conda package; ROOT was built with lots of options turned on. Here are a few things to try: * `root`: you can start up a session and see the splash screen; Control-D to exit. * `python` followed by `import ROOT` will load PyROOT. * `root --notebook` will start a notebook server with a ROOT kernel choice. * `rootbrowse` will open a TBrowser session so you can look through files. * `root -l -q $ROOTSYS/tutorials/dataframe/df013_InspectAnalysis.C` will run a DataFrame example with an animated plot. * `root -b -q -l -n -e "std::cout << TROOT::GetTutorialDir() << std::endl;"` will print the tutorial dir. * `root -b -l -q -e 'std::cout << (float) TPython::Eval("1+1") << endl;'` will run Python from C++ ROOT. See the post [here]( for more information about using this Conda package. The ROOT package will prepare the required compilers. Everything in Conda is symlinked into `$CONDA_PREFIX` if you build things by hand; tools like CMake should find it automatically. The `thisroot.*` scripts should not be used and are not provided. Graphics, `rootbrowse`, etc. all should work. OpenGL is enabled. There is also a `root_base` package, with minimal dependecies, that libraries should depend on this to avoid having a runtime dependency on the `compilers` package. `root-dependencies` and `root-binaries` are also available. In most cases users should use the `root` package directly, since it adds both of these, along with compilers, Jupyter, and a few other things to facilitate using ROOT or PyROOT. ROOT was built with and will report `-std=c++17` from `root-config`.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:conda/root-binaries
Keywords: c-plus-plus, cling, data-analysis, geometry, graphics, hacktoberfest, interpreter, machine-learning, mathematics, parallel, physics, python, root, root-cern, statistics, visualization
License: LGPL-2.1-only
Latest release: about 3 years ago
First release: over 4 years ago
Dependent packages: 2
Dependent repositories: 4
Stars: 2,067 on GitHub
Forks: 1,119 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: 1 day ago
