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Top 7.6% downloads on
Top 6.9% dependent packages on : wtest

Tools for writing and running tests.

Registry - Source - Homepage - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:cargo/wtest
Keywords: testing, fundamental, general-purpose
License: MIT
Latest release: almost 2 years ago
First release: over 2 years ago
Dependent packages: 4
Downloads: 52,600 total
Stars: 23 on GitHub
Forks: 30 on GitHub
Total Commits: 10279
Committers: 25
Average commits per author: 411.16
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.542
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Last synced: 7 days ago

is_slice 0.9.0
Macro to answer the question: is it a slice?
13 versions - Latest release: 17 days ago - 2 dependent packages - 2 dependent repositories - 80.3 thousand downloads total - 20 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
implements 0.8.0
Macro to answer the question: does it implement a trait?
17 versions - Latest release: 17 days ago - 3 dependent packages - 2 dependent repositories - 81.7 thousand downloads total - 23 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
former_runtime 0.1.11
Former - variation of builder pattern. Its runtime.
12 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 1 dependent package - 2 dependent repositories - 92.5 thousand downloads total - 23 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
instance_of 0.1.0
Macro to answer the question: does it implement a trait?
5 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 52.9 thousand downloads total - 23 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer