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This is a collection of high-level cryptographic primitives based on Sodium, spiced up with extra type-safety of the Haskell type system. Note: this package is experimental and WIP. Cryptography is hard to do right and you should never try to implement it on your own, even if you have access to safe and secure cryptographic primitives. Luckily, D. J. Bernstein created NaCl. NaCl was designed specifically to make it hard to use it incorrectly and thus save you from a disaster. It exposes high-level cryptographic algorithms with underlying implementations chosen for you, so you do not get flexibility, but you get security, which is more important. Sodium is a reimplementation of NaCl with the goal to make it more portable across different platforms. With time, it started providing more than the same interface as NaCl. Nowadays it implements additional primitives and utility functions. Crypto.Sodium.Init Authenticated symmetric-key encryption: Crypto.Sodium.Encrypt.Symmetric Message authentication codes: Crypto.Sodium.Mac Authenticated public-key encryption: Crypto.Sodium.Encrypt.Public Public-key signatures: Crypto.Sodium.Sign Key derivation and generation: Crypto.Sodium.Key Cryptographically-secure random: Crypto.Sodium.Random Hashing: Crypto.Sodium.Hash

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:hackage/crypto-sodium
Keywords: cryptography, library, mpl, haskell, libsodium
License: MPL-2.0
Latest release: over 2 years ago
First release: about 4 years ago
Dependent packages: 1
Dependent repositories: 2
Downloads: 926 total
Stars: 15 on GitHub
Forks: 6 on GitHub
Total Commits: 101
Committers: 4
Average commits per author: 25.25
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.04
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Last synced: 24 days ago
