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Top 6.6% forks on : rel8

[Index] [Quick Jump] Package maintainers For package maintainers and hackage trustees Candidates Welcome to Rel8! Rel8 is a Haskell library for interacting with PostgreSQL databases, built on top of the fantastic Opaleye library. The main objectives of Rel8 are: Conciseness: Users using Rel8 should not need to write boiler-plate code. By using expressive types, we can provide sufficient information for the compiler to infer code whenever possible. Inferrable: Despite using a lot of type level magic, Rel8 aims to have excellent and predictable type inference. Familiar: writing Rel8 queries should feel like normal Haskell programming. Rel8 was presented at ZuriHac 2021. If you want to have a brief overview of what Rel8 is, and a tour of the API - check out the video below: For more details, check out the official documentation.

Registry - Source - JSON
purl: pkg:hackage/rel8
Keywords: bsd3, library, unclassified, dsl, haskell, postgresql, sql
License: BSD-3-Clause
Latest release: about 1 month ago
First release: almost 3 years ago
Dependent repositories: 10
Downloads: 1,716 total
Stars: 146 on GitHub
Forks: 37 on GitHub
Total Commits: 430
Committers: 14
Average commits per author: 30.714
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.565
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Last synced: 17 days ago
