
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : yaya-unsafe

Yaya is designed as a _total_ library. However, it is often expedient to use partial operations in some cases, and this package extends Yaya to provide those operations. It’s in a separate package (and modules) in order to make sure its use is very intentional and also relatively obvious to those reading your code. It’s recommended that you import these modules qualified and, in particular, all the type class instances here have been pulled into a separate module to avoid accidentally bringing them into scope.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:hackage/yaya-unsafe
Keywords: agpl, library, recursion, haskell, recursion-schemes
License: Other
Latest release: 26 days ago
First release: over 5 years ago
Dependent repositories: 1
Downloads: 1,882 total
Stars: 86 on GitHub
Forks: 4 on GitHub
Total Commits: 61
Committers: 5
Average commits per author: 12.2
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.197
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Last synced: 25 days ago
