
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @a-2-c-2-anpm/minus-fugit-facere

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40a-2-c-2-anpm/minus-fugit-facere
Keywords: CSSStyleDeclaration, rds, ec2, formatting, sns, getopt, banner, rework, random, mkdirp, querystring, immer, dependency manager, take, chai, parent, unicode, events, efficient, Array, eslintplugin, monorepo, framer, log, wait, name, syntax, consume, styled-components, findLastIndex, URL, elasticache, inference, kinesis, contains, object, recursive, typesafe, has, es, html, ES2016, pipe, ts, assertion, package.json, Observable, scheme, parsing, error, compiler, callbound, core, queueMicrotask, ES7, visual, group, regex, jsdom, flatMap, inspect, xhr, expression, stringifier, throttle, call-bound, Uint8ClampedArray, prefix, walking, code points, binary, ES, dataview, string, call-bind, execfile, ECMAScript 2016, RFC-6455, commander, ajax, debug, drag, yup, hookform, loadbalancing, busy, trim, warning, jshint, Underscore, circular, Object.assign, popmotion, Array.prototype.findLast, browser, quote, terminal, process, helpers, proto, setter, zero, WebSocket, full, lockfile, ReactiveX, typeof, patch, transform, __proto__, rules, preprocessor, define, array, i18n, colour, width, persistent, callbind, preserve-symlinks, shrinkwrap, matchAll, es7, configurable, request, ReactiveExtensions, ArrayBuffer#slice, xml, waapi, utilities, WeakMap, syntaxerror, listeners, jQuery, endpoint, ECMAScript 7, es-abstract, BigUint64Array, tools, three, testing, fs, Int32Array, matches, fast-clone, tostringtag, Float32Array, setPrototypeOf, language, 256, ECMAScript 2015, 0, iterator, shebang, functions, redact, ES5, @@toStringTag, robust, react pose, .gitignore, cloudwatch, ES2021, make, redirect, manipulation, stable, toolkit, RxJS, columns, streams2, env, dataView, a11y, reuse, omit, sequence, functional, real-time, extend, beanstalk, traverse, set, RegExp#flags, isConcatSpreadable, Array.prototype.contains, estree, characters, styleguide, nope, schema, private data, byte, codes, eslint-plugin, console, resolve, es2016, eslint, moment, regular, link, which, ECMAScript 2022, TypeBox, match, ECMAScript 6, query, validation, zod, escape, CSS, argument, util, atom, generics
License: MIT
Latest release: 14 days ago
First release: 14 days ago
Namespace: a-2-c-2-anpm
Downloads: 64 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 3 days ago
