
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @berufungirnpm/cupiditate-maiores-quisquam

Match balanced string pairs, like `{` and `}` or `<b>` and `</b>`. Supports regular expressions as well!

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40berufungirnpm/cupiditate-maiores-quisquam
Keywords: offset, bound, es2015, codes, rm -rf, path, ES, CSSStyleDeclaration, logging, ec2, folder, types, electron, merge, watcher, emoji, in, es5, waf, get, validate, ES2017, toArray, async, sham, toobject, dom-testing-library, callback, includes, import, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, move, bind, fullwidth, walking, validation, fastify, RxJS, mocha, eslint, visual, password, format, 0, Object.entries, express, functional, replay, internal, code points, logger, cli, mime-db, console, RegExp#flags, findLastIndex, side, ES2020, loadbalancing, idle, id, progress, Float64Array, ECMAScript 3, serializer, redux-toolkit, crypto, es8, obj, group, defineProperty, eslint-plugin, Push, ansi,, speed, jest, ES2019, ES2021, matchAll, autoprefixer, quote, real-time, classname, styles, collection.es6, mapreduce, type, mkdir, up, [[Prototype]], fast-clone, date, Object, settings, some, bootstrap less, less mixins, xterm, cloudsearch, robust, chromium, tslib, serialization, description, parents, ReactiveX, testing, censor, variables, ReactiveExtensions, copy, colors, stateless, cloudwatch, optimizer, stringifier, workspace:*, jasmine, has, require, accessor, number, weakset, weakmap, Symbol, Array.prototype.contains, args, from, react, trim, filter, iam, regex, url, https, Microsoft, coercible, Uint32Array, file, typedarray, multi-package, proxy, Iterator, extend, dayjs, toolkit, web, performance, storagegateway, hasOwn, styling, Uint16Array, cloudformation, values, data, module, regexp, l10n, text, aws, throat, own, equality, banner, ArrayBuffer, package manager, bcrypt, events, Int16Array, lazy, shared, bootstrap css, eslintconfig, qs, gradients css3, tap, slice, sort, inference, debug, accessibility, fetch, command-line, private, ponyfill, flatten, eslintplugin, Observables, Int32Array, cloudtrail, native, redux, gdpr, shrinkwrap, negative, cache, s3, TypeScript, deepclone, class-validator, color, flux, ECMAScript 2022, look, open, matches, pnpm9, joi, starter, less compiler, libphonenumber, columns, parent, ascii, glob, dynamodb, rgb, typanion, file system, find-up, core, fastcopy, sharedarraybuffer, findLast, ECMAScript 2019, ES5, elb, drop, rm, ES3, trimEnd, east-asian-width, dataView, which, mkdirp, check, bdd, properties, bluebird, write, core-js, BigInt64Array
License: MIT
Latest release: 15 days ago
First release: 15 days ago
Namespace: berufungirnpm
Downloads: 77 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 1 day ago
