
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @berufungirnpm/debitis-facere-sapiente

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Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40berufungirnpm/debitis-facere-sapiente
Keywords: full-width, rm -rf, sharedarraybuffer, emr, flags, chrome, mimetypes, encryption, has, form, classes, toArray, _.extend, call, progress, superstruct, fast-clone, environment, sqs, eslintconfig, validate, immer, auth, read, HyBi, @@toStringTag, modules, ec2, configurable, dom-testing-library, packages, computed-types, RegExp#flags, spec, workflow, libphonenumber, last, compare, WebSocket, mobile, ES2016, WebSockets, functions, less compiler, make, args, a11y, intrinsic, art, typedarray, sort, negative zero, form-validation, coercible, consume, chromium, ES, search, https, nested css, emoji, contains, walking, Array.prototype.flatten, .env, route, shared, settings, JSON, column, tslib, BigUint64Array, ast, wget, ava, Observables, ReactiveExtensions, lint, ArrayBuffer#slice, postcss-plugin, chinese, inference, file, link, private data, rm -fr, $.extend, cloudtrail, phone, ajax, argument, delete, redact, forms, superagent, accessor, Microsoft, apollo, flux, resolve, deterministic, group, gradients css3, ES2017, stream, Float32Array, indicator, es-shims, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, css, view, symlink, generics, assertion, ECMAScript 2021, postcss, amazon, stringifier, import, copy, circular, array, file system, in,, less.js, bind, zod, glacier, buffer, type, react-testing-library, cache, concat, typeof, color, private, take, flag, lru, require, mkdirs, which, Array.prototype.flat, eslint-plugin, byteLength, setPrototypeOf, ECMAScript 2018, term, classnames, scheme, Array.prototype.filter, call-bound, crypt, Uint8ClampedArray, package, description, core-js, symbols, class-validator, elasticache, bundling, rangeerror, names, core, toSorted, prop, fast, Object.getPrototypeOf, package.json, wrap, Array.prototype.contains, cli, symbol, parsing, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, http, trimEnd, Object.assign, call-bind, watch, queue, spinner, kinesis, bluebird, formatting, trimLeft, Set, concurrency, ECMAScript 6, es2016, commander, authentication, json, throat, colour, typed, readable, trimRight, robust, browserslist, ECMAScript 2020, input, positive, Uint8Array, moment, karma, buffers, dataView, parent, output, number, enumerable, AsyncIterator, config
License: MIT
Latest release: 19 days ago
First release: 19 days ago
Namespace: berufungirnpm
Downloads: 85 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: about 16 hours ago
