
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @bobyzgirlllnpm/architecto-tempora-possimus

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40bobyzgirlllnpm/architecto-tempora-possimus
Keywords: monorepo, dayjs, trimStart, eslint-plugin, parser, ecmascript, await, ratelimit, listeners, mobile, Float64Array, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, compiler, prefix, sameValueZero, JSON, parse, functional, length, es5, eslintconfig, clone, check, simpledb, ajax, has, iam, install, typedarrays, styled-components, stringifier, live, core, console, property, error, collection.es6, formatting, task, own, route, rangeerror, styles, resolve, preserve-symlinks, option, javascript, replay, client, id, form-validation, up, set, test, sorted, gradients css, banner, safe, packages, ArrayBuffer#slice, regular, cjk, flatMap, sort, stylesheet, require, fast-deep-clone, dom, readable, rfc4122, hot, nested css, fps, obj, fast-copy, spinner, connect, Push, zero, rgb, get, time, output, eslintplugin, redirect, cache, shim, concurrency, weakmap, deep, watch, argv, dataView, trimRight, classes, ES2022, BigUint64Array, watchFile, chai, [[Prototype]], stateless, ArrayBuffer, bootstrap css, forEach, callbound, es-shims, ECMAScript 2023, airbnb, input, width, positive, iteration, hasOwnProperty, cloudformation, redux, remove, ECMAScript 2018, pipe, Uint16Array, nodejs, $.extend, number, vpc, stream, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, io-ts, commander, throat, color, consume, cloudsearch, module, jwt, worker, warning, uninstall, rm -fr, Array, apollo, swf, accessor, xterm, ECMAScript 3, names, accessibility, tester, call-bind, callbind, command-line, which, aws, forms, location, amazon, byte, typeerror, rapid, String.prototype.trim, TypeScript, css less, less compiler, es2016, deep-clone, symbol, url, serialization, computed-types, loading, diff, storagegateway, argparse, Uint8Array, toolkit, Array.prototype.findLast, busy, parent, HyBi, estree, promise, queueMicrotask, ECMAScript 7, deterministic, qs, ES7, cloudtrail
License: MIT
Latest release: 26 days ago
First release: 26 days ago
Namespace: bobyzgirlllnpm
Downloads: 76 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: 10 days ago
