
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @bobyzgirlllnpm/quas-aspernatur-assumenda

A lean, zero dependency library to provide a useful base for your project. Checksums, cryptography, codecs, date-times, error-checking-codes, logging, pseudorandom number generation. The tools you need for any project. Secure build pipeline, provenance

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40bobyzgirlllnpm/quas-aspernatur-assumenda
Keywords: es2018, sort, BigInt64Array, character, includes, dataview, ajax, libphonenumber, karma, class-validator, trimEnd, check, BigUint64Array, assert, es2017, exit, classname, api, bundling, rfc4122, byte, ES2018, concat, callback, obj, drop, setPrototypeOf, fastify, input, flatten, link, package manager, every, shrinkwrap, trimStart, performant, ECMAScript 2020, streams, arktype, key, i18n, properties, styleguide, ECMAScript 5, Array.prototype.flatMap, less.js, pnpm9, Microsoft, command-line, buffer, slice, Uint16Array, interrupts, iterator, react, StyleSheet, connect, TypeBox, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, streams2, Int8Array, parse, pretty, user-streams, drag, cjk, positive, Array.prototype.includes, minimal, rmdir, telephone, channel, core, inspect, url, Streams, descriptor, side, preserve-symlinks, Object, Object.keys, tslib, which, idle, spinners, apollo, negative, tester, javascript, take, scheme-validation, toolkit, settings, delete, console, column, Object.assign, three, __proto__, getPrototypeOf, tc39, import, immer, l10n, core-js, rapid, chromium, look-up, chrome, weakmap, read, task, browser, jsonschema, postcss, byteOffset, typeof, codes, pose, JSON, phone, commander, es8, a11y, es-abstract, width, handlers, node, arraybuffer, es2015, prune, qs, number, equality, es5, linux, diff, trim, writable, toArray, deep, time, functional, require, output, ES2015, mru, setImmediate, get, bound, install, autoprefixer, callbound, equal, react-hooks, once, open, debug, classnames, client, random, higher-order, full, eslint, estree, dataView, shell, move, ECMAScript 2022, mkdirs, ES2021, jQuery, less css, text, whatwg, chai, immutable, filter, stdlib, crypt, plugin, ArrayBuffer#slice, readablestream, workspace:*, TypedArray, values, dir, worker, stable, efficient, look, ascii, findLast, bcrypt, toobject, joi, -0, promises, optimist, bootstrap less, function, eslint-plugin, flatMap, collection, packages, css nesting, getintrinsic, ES5, call-bound, formatting, weakset, type, dom-testing-library, request, redux-toolkit, search, ES, wget, redact, 0, WeakMap, fetch, internal, reduce, react pose, flags, Rx
License: MIT
Latest release: 25 days ago
First release: 25 days ago
Namespace: bobyzgirlllnpm
Downloads: 76 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 2 days ago
