
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @f1stnpm2/debitis-fuga-cumque

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40f1stnpm2/debitis-fuga-cumque
Keywords: less compiler, airbnb, react-hook-form, symbol, guid, less css, task, deep, bootstrap css, arrays, description, internal, jQuery, getopt, argparse, compare, create, fs, react pose, assertion, ECMAScript 2015, Stream, protobuf, error-handling, YAML, Array.prototype.contains, assert, ESnext, WebSocket, promise, art, babel-core, Symbol.toStringTag, joi, sanitization, drop, gradients css3, ava, argv, fast, TypeBox, ES5, es2015, ES3, classnames, xterm, JSON, internal slot, RegExp#flags, await, encryption, mru, color, fixed-width, hasOwn, nodejs, gdpr, drag, getter, break, jsonpath, Observable, react-testing-library, throat, commander, request, findup, typedarrays, http, serializer, exit, css-in-js, width, ES2015, ES2016, deep-copy, open, mobile, link, Object.keys, const, spring, types, resolve, whatwg, define, rfc4122, proto, es5, stateless, BigUint64Array, es7, japanese, utils, Map, Object.getPrototypeOf, worker, extra, eslint, typesafe, rgb, flags, picomatch, npm, RxJS, hooks, look-up, pnpm9, jsdom, fetch, byte, inference, trimEnd, spec, keys, functions, weakset, contains, iterator, es2017, superstruct, option, formatting, gestures, fullwidth, stable, tty, parent, properties, obj, hardlinks, Object.values, args, Microsoft, Object.assign, moment, queueMicrotask, regular expression, column, private data, ArrayBuffer#slice, toolkit, value, regular, walk, private, stringifier, object, flag, file, typanion, serialize, prop, harmony, ES2023, indicator, touch, callback, optimizer, es6, $.extend, url, path, multi-package, TypedArray, css, bound, eslintconfig, __proto__, debugger, typescript, search, tostringtag, .env
License: MIT
Latest release: about 1 month ago
First release: about 1 month ago
Namespace: f1stnpm2
Downloads: 62 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 10 days ago
