
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @f1stnpm3/inventore-vel-repellendus

>*JSCAD* is a set of modular, browser and command line tools for creating parametric 2D and 3D designs with JavaScript code.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40f1stnpm3/inventore-vel-repellendus
Keywords: compare, circular, error, typeof, types, css nesting, 0, length, styleguide, id, beanstalk, AsyncIterator, connect, es-abstract, trimRight, escape, queueMicrotask, touch, Array.prototype.contains, ECMAScript 2018, ECMAScript 2015, mimetypes, dynamodb, private data, exec, utility, stdlib, nested css, ES8, number, type, polyfill, opens, computed-types, rest, korean, inspect, visual, less mixins, dataView, npm, Symbol.toStringTag, symlinks, middleware, monorepo, buffers, elb, rds, es5, progress, variables, parent, time, Set, rm -fr, setPrototypeOf, watch, internal slot, parse, opener, exit, ArrayBuffer, jwt, busy, byteOffset, assert, less.js, getPrototypeOf, stable, full-width, linux, eslint-plugin, array, file system, gradients css3, Uint8ClampedArray, promise, spec, argparse, TypedArray, uninstall, writable, zod, command-line, react-hook-form, side, data, xhr, TypeScript, framework, banner, es6, weakmap, cjk, logger, url, throttle, get, cli, http, fs, readable, windows, less, character, lesscss, concat, filter, cors, browserslist, every, phone, String.prototype.matchAll, mocha, css, BigInt64Array, tap, ECMAScript 2021, output, args, Rx, promises, env, isConcatSpreadable, omit, es2015, rmdir, from, replay, text, es-shims, getter, prefix, terminal, live, hardlinks, https, is, serialize, tape, moment, collection.es6, emr, key, plugin, description, sorted, ie, open, less css, watcher, chai, wget, chrome, unicode, fastify, start, deepcopy, negative zero, directory, define, Array.prototype.includes, ES5, tty, async, includes, path, ReactiveExtensions, chromium, shim, vpc, proto, jQuery, rangeerror, duplex, -0, Object.defineProperty, parser, bundler, value, coercible, argv, crypto, autoprefixer, clone, remove, stream, ReactiveX, flux, guid, accessibility, arrays, dom-testing-library, call-bound, typeerror, WebSocket, serializer, accessor
License: MIT
Latest release: 20 days ago
First release: 20 days ago
Namespace: f1stnpm3
Downloads: 72 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: about 16 hours ago
