
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @firanorg/minima-officiis-earum

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40firanorg/minima-officiis-earum
Keywords: character, mapreduce, starter, own, extend, robust, dayjs, byteLength, trim, HyBi, ES5, intrinsic, Uint8ClampedArray, code points, shrinkwrap, TypedArray, Array.prototype.flatten, input, ajax, optimist, nodejs, yaml, es2016, rmdir, ponyfill, performance, npm, east-asian-width, console, limited, art, coercible, exit, Observables, mimetypes, findup, qs, css-in-js, logger, stateless, css nesting, @@toStringTag, Object.entries, Uint8Array, Int16Array, swf, browserslist, symlink, minimal, fps, find-up, every, .env, es-shim API, symlinks, Microsoft, array, check, group, shebang, JSON, properties, shell, wordwrap, [[Prototype]], argument, optimizer, obj, speed, ES2016, test, call-bound, connect, Float32Array, style, function, persistent, typedarrays, fast-deep-clone, id, Array.prototype.flatMap, dom-testing-library, handlers, autoprefixer, sharedarraybuffer, watcher, type, spinner, immutable, styled-components, react-testing-library, stdlib, move, debugger, immer, auth, rgb, ECMAScript 2021, operating-system, utility, typescript, streams2, file system, weakmap, multi-package, identifiers, flat, ECMAScript 2020, sinatra, accessor, idle, __proto__, l10n, syntax, mru, irq, throat, tdd, ECMAScript 2023, serialization, structuredClone, sort, jest, react, guid, process, curl, look-up, gdpr, toSorted, delete, reuse, trimLeft, callback, inspect, prefix, react-hooks, prototype, kinesis, less, cloudtrail, forEach, some, task, promises, break, protocol-buffers, scheme-validation, korean, Symbol
License: MIT
Latest release: 2 days ago
First release: 17 days ago
Namespace: firanorg
Downloads: 7,913 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: about 21 hours ago
