
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @hoangcung1804npm/hic-eos-a

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40hoangcung1804npm/hic-eos-a
Keywords: javascript, qs, functions, output,, monorepo, trimRight, util, invariant, form-validation, ECMAScript 2023, Streams, keys, set, asterisks, fps, pnpm9, east-asian-width, reduce, assign, require, StyleSheet, assert, _.extend, ie, schema, 0, iteration, term, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, chai, characters, fork, plugin, link, arraybuffer, indicator, sharedarraybuffer, popmotion, array, js, ses, getter, mime, syntaxerror, ECMAScript 2017, speed, helper, deepcopy, copy, globals, ES8, assertion, events, ES2015, awesomesauce, importexport, wrap, equality, symlink, is, TypeScript, pipe, jasmine, styled-components, symlinks, drag, typeof, deep-clone, path, terminal, es2017, jest, listeners, break, dataView, buffer, entries, patch, Object.values, dayjs, extension, validation, react, minimal, compiler, ebs, ec2, preprocessor, command-line, xhr, private, jQuery, JSON, datastructure, typed array, config, write, URLSearchParams, RxJS, language, vpc, tty, batch, regex, helpers, look-up, ava, hash, yup, ReactiveX, loadbalancing, emit, core, mimetypes, eventEmitter, gestures, http, 256, bound, manipulation, command, estree, columns, ascii, random, serialize, typescript, streams2, typedarrays, npmignore, io-ts, protocol-buffers, ES6, bundler, Float64Array, ES2016, file, workspace:*, every, glob, ECMAScript 5, wordwrap, local, cache, TypedArray, BigUint64Array, throat, call-bound, pose, rmdir, take, flatMap, input, findup, prefix,, stringify, colour, deep-copy, circular, fast-deep-clone, stateless, byte, uninstall, regular expressions, picomatch, readablestream, symbol, node, internal slot, expression, inspect, banner, matchAll, pyyaml, nodejs, name, enumerable, Set, inference, ECMAScript 2019, call, ajv, simpledb, starter, regular-expression, busy, lru, module, mkdirp, find, parents, install, protobuf, quote, cjk, fullwidth, agent, match, Array.prototype.flatten, Uint32Array, task, jsx, rapid, exec, arrays, Symbol, getintrinsic, jsdom, Microsoft, progress, names, Array, bdd, codes, fs, apollo, eslint, toobject, kinesis, Promise, art, Push, trim, accessibility, telephone, reuse, dotenv, mime-db, delete, stdlib, wait, es8, wget, cloudtrail, moment, escape, ES2021, column, .gitignore, espree, rules, form, WebSocket, ecmascript, regular expression
License: MIT
Latest release: 12 days ago
First release: 12 days ago
Namespace: hoangcung1804npm
Downloads: 64 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: about 10 hours ago
