
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @hutechtechnical/exercitationem-commodi-assumenda-itaque

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40hutechtechnical/exercitationem-commodi-assumenda-itaque
Keywords: symbols, JSON, hasOwnProperty, regex, testing, ses, redact, readable, ES2015, buffers, warning, mobile, circular, ebs, rds, copy, lesscss, bdd, private data, kinesis, browser, types, callbind, intrinsic, 256, typeerror, symlinks, TypeScript, consume, Array.prototype.contains, ECMAScript 5, BigInt64Array, StyleSheet, superstruct, regular expressions, utilities, deep-clone, buffer, ES2022, terminal, pnpm9, includes, view, styled-components, collection.es6, columns, styleguide, color, listeners, monorepo, awesomesauce, chinese, RegExp#flags, typanion, hardlinks, streams2, getopt, walking, batch, variables in css, picomatch, path, byteOffset, call, String.prototype.matchAll, nested css, random, watching, file, ECMAScript 2017, format, serialize, find-up, Iterator, scheme-validation, functions, arrays, Stream, walk, css less, xterm, polyfill, fsevents, xhr, jwt, amazon, some, worker, getPrototypeOf, nope, ESnext, read, typedarray, trimStart, graphql, core-js, ponyfill, ts, io-ts, descriptor, serialization, ES2016, Streams, pipe, vpc, express, es, environment, number, throat, tdd, Promise, arktype, tty, argparse, extra, css, dependency manager, shrinkwrap, es2018, autoprefixer, 0, hooks, queue, redux, promises, config, zod, Uint8ClampedArray, typesafe, classname, Rx, shared, debug, querystring, chrome, progress, connect, fast-clone, chai, libphonenumber, css-in-js, safe, deepclone, Uint8Array, TypedArray, validation, ArrayBuffer, Observables, limited, deep-copy, web, less.js, jsx, cors
License: MIT
Latest release: 25 days ago
First release: 25 days ago
Namespace: hutechtechnical
Downloads: 79 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: 8 days ago
