
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @juigorg/eveniet-accusantium-itaque

<p align="center"> <img src="logo.svg" width="200px" align="center" alt="Zod logo" /> <h1 align="center">Zod</h1> <p align="center"> ✨ <a href=""></a> ✨ <br/> TypeScript-first schema validation with static t

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40juigorg/eveniet-accusantium-itaque
Keywords: command, install, width, eslint, waf, YAML, ascii, superagent, style, simpledb, traverse, Object.keys, korean, sham, listeners, modules, metadata, enumerable, equality, toolkit, chromium, clone, setImmediate, URL, wordbreak, react, ECMAScript 7, compiler, fs, progress, io-ts, js, zod, https, mapreduce, dom-testing-library, contains, curl, flatMap, less, ts, push, typed array, karma, ie, touch, functional, commander, view, setPrototypeOf, performant, symbols, some, awesomesauce, shell, Map, call, array, stateless, Iterator, hasOwnProperty, Object.entries, Int8Array, intrinsic, fastclone, @@toStringTag, watcher, fast-clone, beanstalk, speed, define, stylesheet, variables, task, readable, dataview, visual, Object.defineProperty, whatwg, form, rm, bootstrap css, toStringTag, prop, state, id, package manager, delete, trim, ava, format, wait, inference, dynamodb, ES5, ES7, file system, rangeerror, typanion, rmdir, ES2019, starter, mime-db, type, ECMAScript 2020, apollo, location, iteration, findLastIndex, core, higher-order, real-time, worker, hasOwn, remove, console, ES2016, throttle, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, moment, random, text, extension, jsonpath, internal slot, nested css, stream, figlet, logging, lazy, concat, ReactiveExtensions, rapid, properties, drop, Microsoft, ArrayBuffer, character, react-testing-library, regular expressions, plugin, path, watch, ES2023, es8, Set, input, ECMAScript 2019, es2018, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, bcrypt, jasmine, collection, dayjs, estree, last, make, -0, preprocessor, less compiler, ECMAScript 6, jQuery, directory, 256, symbol, runtime, ajax, await, BigUint64Array
License: MIT
Latest release: 2 days ago
First release: 13 days ago
Namespace: juigorg
Downloads: 583 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 1 day ago
