
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @landmineaknpm/deserunt-officiis-ex

A set of tools for emulating browser behavior in jsdom environment

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40landmineaknpm/deserunt-officiis-ex
Keywords: password, parser, generics, dir, trimEnd, packages, telephone, functions, define, debugger, css, unicode, symbols, trimStart, Map, limit, throttle, description, trimRight, cache, preserve-symlinks, regexp, lockfile, Int32Array, streams, less compiler, reducer, weakset, typedarrays, watcher, shim, contains, check, codes, setImmediate, clone, sort, inspect, quote, private, authentication, bound, write, call-bound, remove, util, url, immutable, modules, ES7, es, pipe, eslintplugin, wait, dependency manager, tostringtag, fastclone, accessor, react-hooks, spinners, flatMap, fixed-width, nope, assign, typanion, private data, buffer, number, redux, joi, guid, __proto__, module, value, emit, connect, equality, bind, promises, rangeerror, matches, read, chromium, async, properties, worker, sigint, toolkit, reuse, text, Microsoft, JSON, plugin, workspace:*, view, drag, browser, setter, deep, mime, nodejs, express, busy, compiler, getter, mru, ECMAScript 2018, ECMAScript 3, wget, toStringTag, popmotion, flat, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, syntaxerror, yaml, flag, expression, AsyncIterator, request, less mixins, valid, extra, symlink, deep-clone, immer, visual, encryption, map, time, positive, fastify, autoprefixer, querystring, string, Observables, arraybuffer, lru, regex, input, pretty, exit, internal, ava, styles, ES2016, streams2, Observable
License: MIT
Latest release: about 1 month ago
First release: about 1 month ago
Namespace: landmineaknpm
Downloads: 39 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 29 days ago