
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @micromint1npm/sunt-architecto-ullam

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purl: pkg:npm/%40micromint1npm/sunt-architecto-ullam
Keywords: throat, wget, typed, datastructure, arraybuffer, name, es2017, RegExp.prototype.flags, postcss-plugin, symbols, listeners, wait, arrays, east-asian-width, open, find-up, time, Array.prototype.filter, react-testing-library, hookform, amazon, uninstall, package manager, weakset, commander, offset, toSorted, es7, Map, throttle, kinesis, names, typed array, Object.defineProperty, Int16Array, rate, browserlist, sns, Microsoft, workspace:*, framework, utilities, Symbol, positive, utility, typedarray, Uint8ClampedArray, inference, chai, env, validation, arktype, regular, ES2023, Stream, es-shims, @@toStringTag, iterator, tester, tdd, format, once, look, walking, which, validate, config, rmdir, create, bcrypt, negative zero, deepclone, sharedarraybuffer, preserve-symlinks, cloudwatch, less compiler, id, browserslist, import, character, scheme, core-js, watching, option, groupBy, chromium, Object.keys, helpers, getintrinsic, slice, tc39, length, ses,, console, map, linewrap, ie, i18n, hooks, jest, argv, prefix, ES7, shebang, eslint, location, fullwidth, copy, args, typeof, type, Int8Array, structuredClone, ECMAScript 2021, agent, dependency manager, formatting, beanstalk, reduce, debugger, ava, parent, ansi, isConcatSpreadable, trimRight, multi-package, mimetypes, read, full, stateless, vpc, bluebird, visual, reducer, parsing, bundling, sham, ReactiveX, file system, protocol-buffers, flag, syntax, object, configurable, wrap, typescript, shell, monorepo, Object.values, Uint32Array, ES2016, WeakMap, buffer, cli, less mixins, nested css, apollo, compiler, class-validator, Float64Array,, Object.getPrototypeOf, es5, ratelimit, fast-deep-clone, key, fs, css variable, fastify, dependencies, Int32Array, ECMAScript 2023, crypto, routing, Array.prototype.contains, is, chinese, symlinks, nope, react, String.prototype.trim, forEach, byteLength, Object.assign, WeakSet, _.extend, fps, prop, ECMAScript 2018, optimist, route53, hasOwnProperty, 0, scheme-validation
License: MIT
Latest release: 15 days ago
First release: 15 days ago
Namespace: micromint1npm
Downloads: 66 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 1 day ago
