
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @rabiepenpm2/a-accusamus-exercitationem

Find and remove unused es6 module imports. It works by splitting up the `no-unused-vars` rule depending on it being an import statement in the AST and providing an autofix rule to remove the nodes if they are imports. This plugin composes the rule `no-unu

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40rabiepenpm2/a-accusamus-exercitationem
Keywords: filter, promise, polyfill, create, syntaxerror, break, fast-copy, character, mkdirs, nope, dotenv, unicode, setImmediate, monorepo, replay, hash, node, plugin, ES2023, drop, ES6, parse, prune, ECMAScript 2023, ascii, scheme, CSS, toolkit, WebSockets, es2018, internal slot, asserts, crypt, jsdiff, Microsoft, merge, password, live, types, quote, flag, computed-types, ec2, values, middleware, deep, stable, accessibility, call-bind, Set, ES5, speed, isConcatSpreadable, ajv, sham, Array.prototype.filter, iterator, js, package, which, findup, performance, Array.prototype.flat, chromium, dom-testing-library, getopt, HyBi, array, arraybuffer, mru, wordbreak, tslib, classes, schema, _.extend, Rx, signals, regular expression, scheme-validation, consume, loading, util, String.prototype.matchAll, rmdir, Object, utility, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, task, flatten, status, es7, japanese, call-bound, limited, streams2, auth, Promise, move, styling, await, storagegateway, typesafe, es8, waf, trimRight, link, optimist, sinatra, workflow, gradients css3, toArray, includes, handlers, symbol, full, config, agent, from, Streams, trimLeft, JSON-Schema, mime, iteration, text, fast-deep-clone, performant,, form, figlet, hasOwn, slice, whatwg, symbols, import, indicator, dataView, dir, browserlist, stream, Float32Array, clone, __proto__, variables, ES2016, lesscss, BigUint64Array, positive, inference, CSSStyleDeclaration, superagent, assertion, negative zero, ecmascript, groupBy, predictable, efficient, less compiler, getPrototypeOf, lockfile, command, Underscore, Object.keys, sigint, check, es2017, css variable, log, fsevents, less, batch, test, ECMAScript 2018, StyleSheet, iam, postcss-plugin, typescript, limit, logger, fetch, concurrency, fastclone, utilities, form-validation, dataview, byte, Array.prototype.contains, Iterator, jsx, validation, aws, metadata, cloudformation, util.inspect, RegExp.prototype.flags, packages, flags, mime-db, cjk, concat, trimEnd, [[Prototype]], recursive, callbind, progress, stringify, endpoint, phone, protocol-buffers, routing, io-ts, compare, patch, jsonpath, deepclone, getter, package manager, -0, directory, cli, reducer, ansi, dom, fixed-width, react, callbound, buffers, exec, TypedArray, url, functional, ECMAScript 3, fps, east-asian-width, URLSearchParams, lint, modules, express, rfc4122, es-shims, data, extend, jest, object, sameValueZero, look, random, Push, entries, pipe, spec, has, invariant, Object.entries, ES8, preprocessor, es2016, moment, @@toStringTag, promises, es5, callback, duplex, Uint8ClampedArray
License: MIT
Latest release: 17 days ago
First release: 17 days ago
Namespace: rabiepenpm2
Last synced: 17 days ago
