
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @taktikorg/non-incidunt-mollitia

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40taktikorg/non-incidunt-mollitia
Keywords: spec, progress, spring, serialization, simpledb, fast-deep-copy, ECMAScript 2023, fixed-width, xhr, s3, jsdom, limited, persistent, HyBi, javascript, iterator, console, shared, traverse, flatten, cloudformation, ECMAScript 6, own, sort, rapid, https, coercible, typed array, _.extend, Microsoft, css-in-js, collection.es6, code points, banner, ECMAScript 5, ES2015, wordwrap, glacier, package.json, symlinks, es2018, getopt, commander, Int16Array, rangeerror, form, Float32Array, recursive, mime-db, assign, sham, create, styling, chai, description, queue, execute, rm -rf, dependencies, take, helpers, dayjs, fastify, last, phone, eslintplugin, Uint16Array, matches, read, term, error, output, file system, mkdir, airbnb, qs, ponyfill, setPrototypeOf, wait, folder, call-bound, RFC-6455, byte, stream, RegExp#flags, es8, environments, art, concat, transpiler, side, fastcopy, dotenv, api, CSSStyleDeclaration, String.prototype.matchAll, typeerror, find-up, channel, weakset, mkdirs, Array.prototype.filter, settings, negative, importexport, TypedArray, json, superstruct, Object, efficient, cli, arrays
License: MIT
Latest release: 11 days ago
First release: 17 days ago
Namespace: taktikorg
Downloads: 869 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: about 18 hours ago
