
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @teamteanpm2024/nam-facilis-laudantium

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40teamteanpm2024/nam-facilis-laudantium
Keywords: group, make, less compiler, toolkit, hasOwn, every, symlinks, typescript, pose, framework, ArrayBuffer, curl, http, mru, sharedarraybuffer, dotenv, electron, task, real-time, functional, iterate, deepclone, stringify, duplex, react-hook-form, serializer, progress, includes, ECMAScript 2020, setter, TypeScript, get,, jsdiff, package.json, look, isConcatSpreadable, hardlinks, harmony, monorepo, robust, sanitization, computed-types, prefix, css variable, ES, proto, utility, readable, TypeBox, tools, flag, throttle, JSON, search, Promise, graphql, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, japanese, structuredClone, handlers, plugin, es-abstract, xdg, format, valid, make dir, column, sigterm, command, remove, exit-code, intrinsic, extend, website, prototype, directory, bundler, parse, compiler, json-schema, codes, connect, typed array, dayjs, schema, logging, copy, yup, classnames, patch, CSSStyleDeclaration, l10n, compile less, ajv, const, throat, stable, speed, buffer, Microsoft, framer, ecmascript, ArrayBuffer#slice, fastify, dom, up, lazy, eventDispatcher, fantasy-land, groupBy, equal, flat, slice, runtime, ie, 256, urls, accessor, id, stylesheet, positive, set, is, js, immer, fsevents, minimal, module, cjk, terminal, number, syntaxerror, WebSocket, arraybuffer, es8, exec, argv, fetch, parents, bind, json, scheme, es-shim API, deep, web, sham, signals, dir, spring, console, style, exit, querystring, promise, argument, typeof, ES3, open, ES5, ponyfill
License: MIT
Latest release: 13 days ago
First release: 16 days ago
Namespace: teamteanpm2024
Downloads: 244 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: 9 days ago
