
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @teamteanpm2024/non-tempora-perferendis

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purl: pkg:npm/%40teamteanpm2024/non-tempora-perferendis
Keywords: 6to5, invariant, negative, ES2019, banner, property, tacit, computed-types, look-up, serialization, rapid, 3d, syntax, installer, linewrap, make, matchAll, events, callbound, width, tostringtag, let, key, nope, redux-toolkit, less css, less mixins, performant, inspect, toStringTag, bind, parent, curried, matches, art, error-handling, less.js, getintrinsic, fast-copy, qs, wget, callback, censor, open, concat, diff, macos, stable, BigInt64Array, file system, react pose, ecmascript, toArray, classes, rgb, io-ts, form-validation, acorn, js, map, tty, forms, superagent, jsdom, flags, shim, var, Set, es-shim API, drag, ES, make dir, sham, es, cache, east-asian-width, tap, recursive, helpers, JSON, expression, argument, RFC-6455, mocha, minimal, look, proxy, search, Microsoft, agent, deep, performance, WebSockets, deepcopy, __proto__, match, is, ender, argparse, log, dataview, Object, sequence, fp, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, json, redact, proto, robust, monorepo, await, fastify, fs, types, sorted, Underscore, aws, Object.keys, URL, offset, fastcopy, visual, package, command-line, lint, auth, typanion, flag, linux, mime, ECMAScript 5, Map, arraybuffer, wordwrap, call-bind, query, limited, balanced, vest, RegExp#flags, bdd, regex, rm -fr, intrinsic, sharedarraybuffer, toobject, styled-components, create, react-hooks, tslib, positive, transpile, dir, test, escape, remove, pipe, glacier, ECMAScript 2021, watch, prune, number, Array, ebs
License: MIT
Latest release: 15 days ago
First release: 20 days ago
Namespace: teamteanpm2024
Downloads: 12,320 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 11 days ago
