
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @teamteanpm2024/perspiciatis-nesciunt-excepturi

`package.json` files are required for node.js/npm projects. Beyond just valid json, there are required fields to follow the specifications. This tool verifies the package.json against the specification of your choice, letting you know if you have a valid

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40teamteanpm2024/perspiciatis-nesciunt-excepturi
Keywords: xhr, exit-code, log, Float64Array, rgb, defineProperty, Array.prototype.flatMap, autoscaling,, proxy, ansi, Array.prototype.findLast, css less, crypt, tape, streams2, cloudsearch, JSON-Schema, cloudfront, callback, es2015, byteOffset, Streams, ES2020, function, s3, rm, gestures, whatwg, js, fast, guid, spinners, bundler, 6to5, endpoint, es-abstract, ESnext, polyfill, storagegateway, data, visual, Object, higher-order, HyBi, code points, internal slot, immer, walk, validator, validate, ECMAScript 2021, typedarray, folder, time, swf, Float32Array, sns, jQuery, encryption, css nesting, readablestream, flat, Array.prototype.contains, optimist, CSS, findup, language, hardlinks, typedarrays, styling, asserts, arktype, WeakMap, call, io-ts, redux-toolkit, writable, ES2022, lru, ajax, 3d, concat, persistent, flatten, regular expression, error, authentication, nested css, toobject, performant, dependencies, i18n, bundling, compare, ArrayBuffer#slice, browser, BigInt64Array, css variable, prop, querystring, yaml, modules, invariant, ES7, omit, byte, debug, mkdir, transpiler, RegExp#flags, mimetypes, fast-clone, workflow, es-shims, loadbalancing, Symbol, text, property, ts, tools, view, hooks, merge, queue, wordwrap, ReactiveX, Array.prototype.includes, bind, parser, typescript, argparse, jsonschema, phone, inference, less compiler, generics, uninstall, sigint, lockfile, fp, testing, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, descriptor, callbound, Object.keys, ender, ECMAScript 2022, utility, classname, ES2017, sanitize, regex, isConcatSpreadable, async, from, pnpm9, setPrototypeOf, prefix, stream, Rx, harmony, native, ECMAScript 2016, toStringTag, fastify, protobuf, argv, libphonenumber, look, fast-deep-copy, kinesis, map, sqs, process, glob, create, batch, chai, ramda, rate, columns, idle, TypeBox, middleware, trim, fullwidth, typeof, fs, call-bound, escape, ecmascript, dom, eslintplugin, dynamodb, terminal, promise, width, shrinkwrap, redux, syntax, patch, up, iteration, stringifier, slice, equal, Array.prototype.flatten, airbnb, Array, moment, arraybuffer, codes, dotenv, ses, tacit, extension, es6, console, [[Prototype]], value, deepcopy, classes, task, ES, structuredClone, worker, assign, deepclone, read, cloudtrail, eslintconfig, qs, date, own, private data, importexport, types, filter, ajv, jest, lesscss, colour, es8, rm -rf, spinner, getter, ES3, url, telephone, Uint32Array, vpc, set, watcher, properties, internal, throttle, styled-components, error-handling, Object.entries, in, eventEmitter, assert, connect, ES2016, check, once, queueMicrotask, valid, sham, eslint-plugin, clone, obj, jsdom, ponyfill, json-schema, intrinsic, proto, typesafe, emoji, match, hasOwn, estree, .env, 256, node, sigterm, nope, format, negative, output, east-asian-width, query, directory, cloudwatch, web, concurrency, watchFile, private, deep, dom-testing-library, hash, operating-system, fixed-width, Int8Array, windows, traverse, emit, xterm, chromium, trimEnd, zod, Set, take, ebs, rds, includes, callbind, mime, require, form, get, ArrayBuffer, trimRight, recursive, postcss-plugin, args, glacier, gradients css, picomatch, optimizer
License: MIT
Latest release: 19 days ago
First release: 24 days ago
Namespace: teamteanpm2024
Downloads: 305 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 15 days ago
