
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @teamteanpm2024/placeat-nemo-rerum

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40teamteanpm2024/placeat-nemo-rerum
Keywords: io-ts, jsdiff, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, debugger, syntax, assertion, Promise, iterator, operating-system, ECMAScript 3, real-time, tty, values, xdg, bundling, shell, stylesheet, open, toobject, styles, CSS, shim, vest, invariant, patch, querystring, queueMicrotask, interrupts, tacit, RegExp#flags, promise, ES2022, properties, rmdir, es7, eventEmitter, robust, toolkit, mobile, deterministic, circular, safe, banner, copy, es2015, Symbol.toStringTag, codes, animation, rate, Array.prototype.findLast, listeners, fsevents, from, lru, check, lesscss, argv, handlers, nested css, figlet, Array.prototype.filter, directory, json-schema, log, utils, terminal, package manager, signals, harmony, is, watchFile, Iterator, slot, set, installer, wget, object, trimRight, make, redux-toolkit, Uint8Array, curried, uninstall, flag, redact, push, limit, groupBy, fast-deep-clone, hooks, cjk, editor, Int16Array, glob, ES8, css nesting, Observables, framer, compiler, toStringTag, fast-copy, es-shims, toArray, mkdirs, rm -fr, estree, ECMAScript 2015, protobuf, spawn, const, css less, waapi, typed, id, workspace:*, Uint16Array, regular expressions, Array.prototype.flatten, find, every, Microsoft, loading, readablestream, irq, configurable, middleware, findup, __proto__, util.inspect, Float32Array, description, three, jest, api, Set, ECMAScript 2020, input, react-hooks, descriptors, look, browserslist, call-bind, wrap, typescript, equality, enumerable, Array, ES2017, classnames, rfc4122, stable, collection, validate, inference, resolve, gradients css3, pyyaml, east-asian-width, ECMAScript 2022, error, emit, eslint, Array.prototype.includes, buffer, start, JSON-Schema, group, types, stream, gdpr, structuredClone, deep, error-handling, censor, findLast, asserts, watch, console, tdd, up, assert, korean, duplex, RFC-6455, i18n, var, command, function, output, fetch, fastclone, immutable, ES2021, unicode, argparse, color, mkdirp, import, reuse, YAML
License: MIT
Latest release: 23 days ago
First release: 26 days ago
Namespace: teamteanpm2024
Downloads: 178 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 19 days ago
