
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @wemnyelezxnpm/architecto-rem-tenetur

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Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40wemnyelezxnpm/architecto-rem-tenetur
Keywords: Promise, trimRight, date, mkdir, value, scheme, functions, rate, babel, react-hook-form, graphql, validate, native, consume, eventDispatcher, ECMAScript 2023, stable, core, toStringTag, jsdiff, status, data, yaml, side, scheme-validation, find-up, package, ES2023, reducer, prop, flatMap, write, circular, toArray, banner, electron, l10n, rangeerror, tdd, search, Object.defineProperty, Iterator, term, node, es8, fantasy-land, linux, bootstrap css, look-up, toSorted, Object.entries, nodejs, String.prototype.matchAll, gestures, jsx, ES2015, RxJS, wget, dom, functional, once, expression, negative, ramda, terminal, install, client, symlink, promises, jsonpath, ES, columns, module, babel-core, ArrayBuffer#slice, syntax, browser, valid, javascript, iterate, rm -rf, authentication, asserts, 256, react animation, rgb, mime, channel, transpiler, contains, safe, form, Array.prototype.flatten, interrupts, es, ES2017, spec, pipe, form-validation, symlinks, typed, @@toStringTag, JSON-Schema, plugin, symbols, assign, fast-copy, Object.getPrototypeOf, Int32Array, BigUint64Array, CSS, debug, delete, trimLeft, tape, arrays, xss, defineProperty, browserlist, trim, toolkit, queueMicrotask, stdlib, setPrototypeOf, entries, es7, flat, url, recursive, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, text, syntaxerror, call-bind, let, weakmap, keys, readablestream, wait, jasmine, ast, private, bundling, react-testing-library, mixins, ES5, WeakSet, es-shim API, equal, schema, JSON, make, sanitize, trimStart, deepcopy, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, Float32Array, byte, flags, every, [[Prototype]], call, diff, modules, ECMAScript 2016, mkdirs, has, css variable, curried, progress, characters, get, collection, optimizer, full, curl, file, jsonschema, censor, Rx, css-in-js, intrinsic, ECMAScript 2022, touch, middleware, css less, querystring, WebSockets, limit, serialize, emoji, Underscore, ES6, real-time, generics, bound, pose, Uint8ClampedArray, name, redux, Symbol, Map, signals, Array.prototype.flatMap, throttle, time, spinners, helpers, view, irq, shrinkwrap, ESnext, bootstrap less, function, less compiler, CSSStyleDeclaration, sigint, reduce, ECMAScript 2020, react-hooks, unicode, signal, ECMAScript 7, bind, Object.values, traverse, matchAll, bdd, sorted, forEach, command-line, preprocessor, styleguide, fast-deep-copy, packages, tostringtag, chrome, linewrap, parents, ES8, await, typed array, extra, AsyncIterator, fullwidth, $.extend, getintrinsic, equality, fp, .env, lint, descriptor, stylesheet, compiler, TypeBox, loading, random, Microsoft, classname, prune, ajv, mocha, three, handlers, shim, cli, shared, which, mimetypes, deterministic, extend, protocol-buffers, css nesting, reuse, WebSocket, trimEnd, postcss, map, macos, console, fastify, tools, quote, group, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, getter, ES2018, Object, hooks, callbound, concurrency, Array.prototype.findLast, key, cjk, writable, copy, crypto, arktype, values, browserslist
License: MIT
Latest release: 13 days ago
First release: 13 days ago
Namespace: wemnyelezxnpm
Downloads: 41 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 12 days ago
