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This library provides UI effects which rely on Win2D. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AttachedCardShadow: Provides an easy-to-use, simple, and performant rounded-rectangle shadow effect. Effects: - AcrylicEffect: A custom acrylic effect that can be inserted into a pipeline. - BackdropEffect: A backdrop effect that can sample from a specified source. - BlendEffect: A blend effect that merges the current pipeline with an input one. - BlurEffect: A gaussian blur effect. - ImageEffect: An effect which displays an image loaded as a Win2D surface. - ShadeEffect: An effect that overlays a color layer over the current pipeline, with a specified intensity. - SolidColorEffect: An effect that renders a standard 8bit SDR color on the available surface. - TileEffect: An effect that loads an image and replicates it to cover all the available surface area. - ExposureEffect, GrayscaleEffect, HueRotationEffect and more, mapping to Win2D effects. Geometry: - CanvasPathGeometry: A class that parses Win2d Path Mini Language and converts it to CanvasGeometry, CanvasBrush, CanvasStroke, CanvasStrokeStyle or Color. Helpers: - SurfaceLoader: A class that can load and draw images and other objects to Win2D surfaces and brushes. Media: - AcrylicBrush: A custom Brush that that implements an acrylic effect with full control over all parameters. - BackdropBlurBrush: The BackdropBlurBrush is a Brush that blurs whatever is behind it in the application. - BackdropGammaTransferBrush: A brush which alters the colors of whatever is behind it in the application by applying a per-channel gamma transfer function. - BackdropInvertBrush: The BackdropInvertBrush is a Brush which inverts whatever is behind it in the application. - BackdropSaturationBrush: Brush which applies a SaturationEffect to the Backdrop. - BackdropSepiaBrush: Brush which applies a SepiaEffect to the Backdrop. - CanvasBrushBase: Helper Brush class to interop with Win2D Canvas calls. - ImageBlendBrush: A Brush which blends a BitmapImage to the Backdrop in a given mode. - PipelineBrush: A Brush that renders a customizable Composition/Win2D effects pipeline - RadialGradientBrush: This GradientBrush defines its Gradient as an interpolation within an Ellipse. - TilesBrush: A Brush that displays a tiled image, wrapping at the edges and endlessly repeating. PipelineBuilder: A class that allows to build custom effects pipelines and create CompositionBrush instances from them.

Registry - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/
Keywords: Windows, Community, Toolkit, WCT, .NET, WinUI, UI, XAML, Acrylic, Brushes, Blur, Effects, Canvas, Geometry, Shadow, Shadows, Animation, csharp, dotnet, mvvm, uwp, uwp-apps, uwp-toolkit, visual-studio, windows, windows-10, windows-app-sdk, windows-sdk, windows-toolkit, windowsappsdk, winforms, winui, winui3, wpf, xaml, xaml-islands
License: MIT
Latest release: over 2 years ago
First release: about 3 years ago
Dependent packages: 1
Dependent repositories: 20
Downloads: 44,289 total
Stars: 5,713 on GitHub
Forks: 1,402 on GitHub
Total Commits: 9341
Committers: 359
Average commits per author: 26.019
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.857
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Last synced: 14 days ago
