
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : extensions.cs

Extensions.dll contains extension methods that enhance existing C# classes thus making life easier for developers. Extensions.dll supports all versions of.NET from 4.6.2 through 8.0. Highlights are methods such as: -Use.Save() and.Load() for easy state saving of any object in C#. -Use.Retry() to easily handle 429 throttling errors in web calls. -Use System.Timer class to quickly add stopwatch timing functionality. -Use.IsPrime() to determine if a number is a prime number. -Use.GetNthPrime() and.GetNthPrimeAsync() to get the Nth prime number capable of calculating 10, 000, 000 primes / minute on an Intel Core i7 - 6700K CPU @ 4.00 GHz using 7 threads on 8 logical cores. -Use.ReplaceTokens() to replace multiple strings in string dictionary style. -Use.IsStrong() to validate strong passwords. -Use.ToTimeZone() to quickly convert any given time to any given time zone. -Use.Elevate() to restart current process in admin mode if it doesn't have admin rights. -Use.CompoundInterest() to calculate any given interest over any given period at any given interval, and many, many more.

Registry - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/extensions.cs
Keywords: Extensions, C#, cjvandyk, Crayveon, 429, Retry-After, ThrottlingHandler, TimeZone, CountWords, Trim, QueryString, MorseCode, Binary, LoremIpsum, ZipCode, Vowel, UrlRoot, Elevate, CompoundInterest, StrongPassword
License: CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible
Latest release: 3 months ago
First release: over 3 years ago
Downloads: 11,088 total
Stars: 12 on GitHub
Forks: 5 on GitHub
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Last synced: 13 days ago
