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Top 6.4% downloads on : leadtools.annotations.wpf

Supported Platforms: • NETFramework Add LEADTOOLS general image markup objects as well as LEADTOOLS specialized document and medical annotation objects, including text, shapes, rulers, sticky note, redaction, encryption, highlight, rubber stamp, audio & video. This package contains LEADTOOLS user interface controls for applications targeting the .NET WPF platform. LEADTOOLS award-winning annotation technology includes a clean and diverse collection of markup objects and collaborative tools designed to impart visual metadata to digital images and documents, which enhances user experience, productivity, and security. In addition, LEADTOOLS also supports specialized document and medical annotations for industry standard formats, including PDF and DICOM. This is just a small part of a large technology offering called LEADTOOLS. To see all that LEADTOOLS has to offer, go to Use the following link to register for a LEADTOOLS license file that is required to use this NuGet. Additionally, the link provides access to the LEADTOOLS Installer. The Installer includes 100’s of demo applications with source code to jump start your development:

Registry - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/leadtools.annotations.wpf
Keywords: Annotation, Annotations, object-markup, objectmarkup, imagemarkup, image-markup, documentmarkup, document-markup, image, markup, mark-up, collaboration, collaborative, PDF, PDF-Annotations, DICOM, DICOM-Annotations, DICOMAnnotations, Audio, Curve, Ellipse, Encrypt, Freehand, Highlight, High-light, Hot-Spot, hotspot, Rubber-Stamp, rubberstamp, stamp, Line, Note, Point, Polygon, Polyline, Polyruler, Protractor, Rectangle, Redaction, Ruler, Sticky-Note, stickynote, Text, Pointer, Text-Rollup, Push-Pin, pushpin, Strikeout, Underline, Video, pointer, arrow
Latest release: about 1 year ago
First release: over 124 years ago
Downloads: 60,990 total
Last synced: 18 days ago
