
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : monogamestatemachine

[DEPRECATED] This library is deprecated. Please use the normal StateMachine instead which is fully tested and being actively maintained. This project implements a Finite-State-Machine (FSM) designed to be used in games. Furthermore it implements even a Stack-Based-FSM (SBFSM). So you may tell it to 'continue with the last state before the active one'. You describe your FSM using a nice and well documented DSL (Domain Specific Language). This machine also adds the function '.After(time)' to transitions so you can set timed transitions that don't necessarily have to have a trigger at all. This replaces the code we usually had for keyboard-input (run-left-right-duck-jump), clicked buttons on the GUI (idle-over-down-refreshing), tower-states (idle-aiming-firing-reloading) or for the connection procedure when setting up peer2peer connections in our games.... This is a PCL (portable code library) so you should be able to use it in any of your MG projects.

Registry - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/monogamestatemachine
Keywords: state, finite, machine, gamestate, transition, fluent, gametime, monogame, mg, after, timer, finite-state-machine, fluid, fsm, portable, stack, state-machine, update
License: Unlicense
Latest release: over 6 years ago
First release: over 6 years ago
Downloads: 5,736 total
Stars: 56 on GitHub
Forks: 8 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: 22 days ago
