
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : nextgensoftware.oasis.api.onode.bll

This sit's at a higher level of abstraction over OASIS API Core, and acts as the main BLL (Business Logic Layer) to the OASIS API, whereas OASIS API Core is the core architecture and hosts the central managers such as ProviderManager, AvatarManager, HolonManager, etc, This package contains more higher level Managers (such as OLANDManager, MissionManager, ParksManager, MapManager, QuestManager, SEEDSManager, etc) and use cases built on top of OASIS API Core. This module also uses the OASISBootLoader to manage loading and using the OASISDNA/config for the ONODE. OASIS API Core does not use the OASISBootLoader because it is at a lower level in the stack and so interface implementions (OASIS Providers) need to be manually injected into each Manager's constructor (DI) whereas this module and the OASISBootLoader manages all of this for you via the OASISDNA.json config file. Both OASIS.API.Core.Native.Integrated.EndPoint & the REST API both use this module/package and provide a wrapper around it and are the recommeneded ways to use the OASIS API.

Registry - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/nextgensoftware.oasis.api.onode.bll
Keywords: OASIS, API, Native, Integrated, WEB3, WEB4, WEB5, Blockchain, NFT, Tokens, Crypto, Future-Prove, Metaverse, Aggregation, HOT-Swappable-Architecture, P2P, Decentralised, Distributed, Interoprability, Abstraction-Layer, Multi-Network, Multi-Chain, Bridging, Network-Of-Networks, SSO, Avatar-API, Karma-API, Data-API, Providers-API, SEEDS-API, "Keys/Wallets-API", Auto-FailOver, Auto-LoadBalancing, Auto-Replication, Auto-Sync, Offline-Support, Write-Once-Deploy-Everywhere, Triple-Level-Quantum-Resistant-Encryption, Quantum, Encryption, Smart-Contracts, Intelligent-Key-Management, Zero-Lag, Zero-Downtime, Agent-Centric, Smart-City-Ready, WEB/2D/3D/AR/VR/IR/Map/Meta-Visusalization, Bio-feedback-Ready, IR-(Infinite-Reality)-Ready, Infinite-Players-Online-At-Same-Time, LAN/Bluetooth-Support, AI/Machine-Learning-Over-All-Of-World's-Aggregated-Data, HTTP-REST/gRPC/GraphQL/CLI/Native-Endpoints, Best-Of-All-Worlds, GOD-Protocol/API, Our-World-Geo-Location/AR/IR/Map-UI-(Game-of-Games-Engine), One-World-Open-World-MMO-(VR)-UI-(Game-of-Games-Engine), ActivityPub, AzureCosmosDB, BlockStack, Chainlink, COSMOS, Elrond, EOSIO, Ethereum, Hashgraph, Holochain, IPFS, MapBox, MongoDB, Neo4j, OrionProtocol, PLAN, Scuttlebutt, SEEDS, SOLANA, SOLID, SqlLiteDB, Telos, ThreeFold, TRON, WRLD3D, More-Coming...
License: MIT
Latest release: over 1 year ago
First release: over 1 year ago
Dependent packages: 2
Downloads: 5,236 total
Stars: 59 on GitHub
Forks: 26 on GitHub
Total Commits: 1577
Committers: 24
Average commits per author: 65.708
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.46
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Last synced: 29 days ago
