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O2YO.FluentValidation Developed by: Shafi Hussain Description: The O2YO.FluentValidation package provides a powerful and flexible way to perform fluent validation on objects in C#. With this package, you can easily define validation rules for your models using fluent syntax, making your validation logic clean, concise, and easy to understand. Features and Functionalities: Async Support: All validation methods support asynchronous operations, allowing you to validate your models asynchronously for improved performance and responsiveness. Validation Rules: NotEmptyAsync: Validates that a property is not null or empty. NotNullAsync: Validates that a property is not null. NotEqualToAsync: Validates that a property is not equal to a specified value. EqualToAsync: Validates that a property is equal to a specified value. LengthInRangeAsync: Validates that the length of a string property or the count of a collection property falls within a specified range. MaxLengthAsync: Validates that the length of a string property or the count of a collection property does not exceed a specified maximum. MinLengthAsync: Validates that the length of a string property or the count of a collection property meets or exceeds a specified minimum. LessThanAsync: Validates that a numeric property is less than a specified threshold. LessThanOrEqualToAsync: Validates that a numeric property is less than or equal to a specified threshold. GreaterThanAsync: Validates that a numeric property is greater than a specified threshold. GreaterThanOrEqualToAsync: Validates that a numeric property is greater than or equal to a specified threshold. CreditCardAsync: Validates that a string property represents a valid credit card number. MobileNumberAsync: Validates that a string property represents a valid 10-digit mobile number. SpecialCharacterAsync: Validates that a string property does not contain any special characters. SpaceOnlyAsync: Validates that a string property contains only spaces. NoSpaceAsync: Validates that a string property does not contain any spaces. IsAlphabateAsync: Validates that a string property contains only alphabetic characters and spaces. EmailAsync: Validates that a string property represents a valid email address. USAGE: // Example usage of validation rules var validator = new O2YOValidate<UserModel>(user, new List<string>()); await validator.NotEmptyAsync(x => x.Name); await validator.EmailAsync(x => x.Email); // Add more validation rules as needed Compatibility: This package is compatible with .NET Standard and .NET Core, ensuring seamless integration into your existing projects. Contributions: Contributions to this package are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to contribute to the GitHub repository. License: This package is distributed under the MIT License, allowing for both personal and commercial use with minimal restrictions. With O2YO.FluentValidation, validating your C# models has never been easier. Ensure the integrity and consistency of your data with confidence. Get started with O2YO.FluentValidation today!

Registry - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/o2yo.fluentvalidation
Keywords: Fluent, validation, for, Blazor, .NET, Validation, library, Data, Input, Form, Core, C#, API, integrity, rules, Custom, validators, attributes, syntax, framework, development, Web, Software, engineering, NuGet, package, WebAssembly, Server, App, ASP.NET, MVC
Latest release: 3 months ago
First release: 3 months ago
Downloads: 454 total
Last synced: 3 days ago
