
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : romagny13wpflib

Library for Wpf Projects. * DI (Dependency Injection) * Injector: allows to register Types, Singletons, Instances, values, auto discover types, etc.. * Navigation * Regions: change and animate the content of ContentRegion (ContentControl) and ItemsRegions (ItemsControl, TabControl, ... and more with Adapters) * ViewModelLocator: allows to resolve ViewModel for regions and for window with ResolveWindowViewModel * RegionManager: allows to get a region, then navigate with regions * INavigatable: allows views and view models to be notified on navigate * IActivatable, IDeactivatable: allow to cancel navigation * ILoadedEventListener: allows to be notified when the view or window is loaded * Mvvm * WpfLibBootstrapper * Observable, Validatable, Editable, ValidateAndEditable and ModelWrapper base classes for Models and ViewModels * Commands and composite command * Sync extensions for list and collections. Allows to sync data * TypedCache * Singleton * Messenger : allows to subscribe, publish and filter messages * Adaptive * BreakpointBinder: allows to bind controls and make the page "responsive" * BreakpointListener: allows to define a list of breakpoints and be notified on current breakpoint changed * Services * HttpService with interceptors * Json Serialization with DataContractJsonSerializer

Registry - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/romagny13wpflib
Keywords: mvvm, wpf, ioc, navigation, composition
Latest release: over 124 years ago
First release: over 124 years ago
Last synced: about 14 hours ago
