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Top 6.8% forks on : sqexpress

SqExpress is a SQL query builder that allows you to create SQL expressions directly in C# code with strong typing and IntelliSense (without LINQ!). The library provides a generic SQL syntax tree with export to MS T-SQL, PostgreSQL, and MySQL text. It also provides a set of builders and operators that will help you build complex SQL expressions. It does not use LINQ, and your C# code will be as close to real SQL as possible. This makes it ideal when you need full SQL flexibility to create efficient DB requests. SqExpress comes with a simple but efficient data access mechanism that wraps ADO.Net DbConnection and can be used with MS SQL Client, Npgsql, or MySQL Connector. You can use SqExpress together with the “Code First” concept when you declare SQL tables as C# classes with the possibility to generate recreation scripts for a target platform (MS SQL or PostgreSQL or MySQL). You can also use it in conjunction with the “Database First” concept using an included code modification utility. The utility can also be used to generate flexible DTO classes with all required database mappings. Here’s an article that explains the library principles: [“Syntax Tree and Alternative to LINQ in Interaction with SQL Databases”](

Registry - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:nuget/sqexpress
Keywords: query, postgresql, tsql, mysql, builder, mssql, dataaccess, data-access, ms-sql, postgres-sql, sql-builder
License: MIT
Latest release: over 1 year ago
First release: over 124 years ago
Downloads: 20,361 total
Stars: 98 on GitHub
Forks: 7 on GitHub
Total Commits: 93
Committers: 2
Average commits per author: 46.5
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.011
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Last synced: about 6 hours ago
