
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : socialblue/laravel-query-adviser

With Laravel Query Adviser you can get more insights into the SQL queries created by Eloquent models used in your app. It logs the queries used by your application and provides a helpful overview of the SQL queries. You can rerun the SQL query to analyze the database impact or copy the SQL query to your clipboard. The handy card view allows you to quickly point out the pain points of your application's SQL queries.

Registry - Source - JSON
purl: pkg:composer/socialblue/laravel-query-adviser
Keywords: performance, sql, testing, mysql, query, application, mssql, laravel, Insights, eloquent, advisor, socialblue, laravel-query-adviser, jeloquent, database, insights, optimization, performance-analysis, postgresql, query-optimization
License: MIT
Latest release: 7 months ago
First release: about 5 years ago
Namespace: socialblue
Downloads: 3,044 total
Stars: 15 on GitHub
Forks: 1 on GitHub
Total Commits: 253
Committers: 4
Average commits per author: 63.25
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.075
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Last synced: 16 days ago

3 packages