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Package kivik provides a generic interface to CouchDB or CouchDB-like databases. The kivik package must be used in conjunction with a database driver. The officially supported drivers are: The Filesystem and Memory drivers are also available, but in early stages of development, and so many features do not yet work: The kivik driver system is modeled after the standard library's `sql` and `sql/driver` packages, although the client API is completely different due to the different database models implemented by SQL and NoSQL databases such as CouchDB. couchDB stores JSON, so Kivik translates Go data structures to and from JSON as necessary. The conversion between Go data types and JSON, and vice versa, is handled automatically according to the rules and behavior described in the documentationf or the standard library's `encoding/json` package ( One would be well-advised to become familiar with using `json` struct field tags ( when working with JSON documents. Most Kivik methods take `context.Context` as their first argument. This allows the cancellation of blocking operations in the case that the result is no longer needed. A typical use case for a web application would be to cancel a Kivik request if the remote HTTP client ahs disconnected, rednering the results of the query irrelevant. To learn more about Go's contexts, read the `context` package documentation ( and read the Go blog post "Go Concurrency Patterns: Context" ( for example code. If in doubt, you can pass `context.TODO()` as the context variable. Example: Kivik returns errors that embed an HTTP status code. In most cases, this is the HTTP status code returned by the server. The embedded HTTP status code may be accessed easily using the StatusCode() method, or with a type assertion to `interface { StatusCode() int }`. Example: Any error that does not conform to this interface will be assumed to represent a http.StatusInternalServerError status code. For common usage, authentication should be as simple as including the authentication credentials in the connection DSN. For example: This will connect to `localhost` on port 5984, using the username `admin` and the password `abc123`. When connecting to CouchDB (as in the above example), this will use cookie auth ( Depending on which driver you use, there may be other ways to authenticate, as well. At the moment, the CouchDB driver is the only official driver which offers additional authentication methods. Please refer to the CouchDB package documentation for details ( With a client handle in hand, you can create a database handle with the DB() method to interact with a specific database.

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
Keywords: couchdb, database, go, gopherjs-bindings, nosql, pouchdb
License: Apache-2.0
Latest release: about 1 year ago
First release: over 4 years ago
Dependent packages: 74
Dependent repositories: 108
Stars: 256 on GitHub
Forks: 36 on GitHub
Docker dependents: 24
Docker downloads: 3,080
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Last synced: about 24 hours ago
