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Package check implements easy to use functions to write your tests in a concise way. In the past I have used if-statements to compare values for equality, for example: This would soon get tedious and copy paste errors for the error messages would creep in. Thus I would create a helper function to compare two integers, like this: Since there are no generics in Go, I would have to write a helper for all types of values that I wanted to compare: int, uint, byte, float32, []byte, map, etc. The functions to implement comparison for equality of two values can get more complex depeding on the type. Floating point values can usually not be compared with == because of rounding errors. You want to have an epsilon by which the values might diverge from each other and still be considered equal. Furthermore, what about INF and NAN? Comparing slices and maps means you must compare their lengths and iterate over them to check each item for equality. Nested structs and interfaces can get hairy pretty quickly. To get over these problems once and for all I created this package. It aims at a minimal API with maximum usability. You can only check for equality or non-equality with the Eq and Neq functions. The above example becomes: It does not matter whether the add function returns an int, a uint32, a byte or a float64. Eq and Neq compare values in a deep way while handling different integer types, floating point accuracy, INF and NAN and comparison between string, []byte and []rune. This package will not solve all your testing needs but probably 95% of it. You can still write if-statements or special helpers for the cases where simple equality of values does not fit your needs.

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
License: MIT
Latest release: 11 months ago
First release: over 5 years ago
Dependent packages: 25
Dependent repositories: 17
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 12 days ago
