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toch moves data from files and the web into ClickHouse. Features of toch include: Multiple data formats are supported: tab delimited CSV Excel: XLS (linux only) and XLSX formats Data sets can have headers or not Field names can be user-supplied or changed from the data header Field types can be imputed or supplied Required command line arguments: Optional command line arguments: Notes: Values that are illegal for the field type are filled in as: The command loads the la.series table from the Bureau of Labor Statistics into ClickHouse table laSeries. And this command loads the same table as above, but overrides the field names in the table with 'a' through 'l'. The -skip 1 argument is used so that the header row will not be read as a part of the data. The data in this csv from the FHFA has no header row. The -h option supplies the headers. The imputation wants to make the "msa" field an integer since all the values are digits. The -t option is used to override that to make the field a string. The command below reads an Excel spreadsheet. The first tab in the workbook is read starting in row 4 (Excel calls this row 5) and column C. This command reads the same data, but specifies the field types to both be strings and the field names to be 'x' and 'y': Since the header row in the spreadsheet is not used, the starting row is one larger. We could have also kept "-rows 4:0" and added "-skip 1".

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
Keywords: clickhouse-database, csv-files, excel, http-get, text-files
License: Apache-2.0
Latest release: 4 months ago
First release: almost 2 years ago
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 17 days ago
