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Package lru implements generic least-recently-used caches with near O(1) perf. A least-recently-used (LRU) cache is a cache that holds a limited number of items with an eviction policy such that when the capacity of the cache is exceeded, the least-recently-used item is automatically removed when inserting a new item. The meaning of used in this implementation is either accessing the item via a lookup or adding the item into the cache, including when the item already exists. This package has intentionally been designed so it can be used as a standalone package for any projects needing to make use of a well-test least-recently-used cache with near O(1) performance characteristics for lookups, inserts, and deletions. This example demonstrates creating a new kv cache instance, inserting items into the cache, causing an eviction of the least-recently-used item, and removing an item. This example demonstrates creating a new cache instance, inserting items into the cache, causing an eviction of the least-recently-used item, and removing an item.

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
Keywords: blockchain, cryptocurrency, dcrd, decred, decred-daemon, decred-nodes, go, golang, p2p, peer-to-peer
License: ISC
Latest release: 9 days ago
Stars: 687 on GitHub
Forks: 281 on GitHub
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