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Package set is a performant reflect wrapper supporting loose type conversion, struct mapping and population, and slice building. Value and its methods provide a generous facility for type coercion: See documentation and examples for Value.To. The examples subdirectory contains additional examples for the Value type. Finally you may wish to work directly with the coerce subpackage, which is the workhorse underneath Value.To. See examples for GetterFunc. See example for MapGetter. Struct and struct hierarchies can be mapped to a flat list of string keys. This is useful for deserializers and unmarshalers that need to convert a friendly string such as a column name or environment variable and use it to locate a target field within a struct or its hierarchy. See examples for Mapper. Once an instance of Mapper is created it can be used to create Mapping, BoundMapping, and PreparedMapping instances that facilitate struct traversal and population. BoundMapping and PreparedMapping are specialized types that bind to an instance of T and allow performant access to T's fields or values. See examples for Mapper.Bind and Mapper.Prepare. In tight-loop scenarios an instance of BoundMapping or PreparedMapping can be bound to a new instance T with the Rebind method. See examples for BoundMapping.Rebind and PreparedMapping.Rebind. If neither BoundMapping nor PreparedMapping are suitable for your use case you can call Mapper.Map to get a general collection of data in a Mapping. The data in a Mapping may be helpful for creating your own traversal or population algorithm without having to dive into all the complexities of the reflect package. BoundMapping allows adhoc access to the bound struct T. You can set or retrieve fields in any order. Conceptually a BoundMapping is similar to casting a struct and its hierarchy into a map of string keys that target fields within the hierarchy. PreparedMapping requires an access plan to be set by calling the Plan method. Once set the bound value's fields must be set or accessed in the order described by the plan. A PreparedMapping is similar to a prepared SQL statement. Of the two PreparedMapping yields better performance. You should use PreparedMapping when you know every bound value will have its fields accessed in a determinate order. If fields will not be accessed in a determinate order then you should use a BoundMapping. BoundMapping methods require the field(s) as arguments; in some ways this can help with readability as your code will read: whereas code using PreparedMapping will read: The BoundMapping, PreparedMapping, and Value types internally contain meta data about the types they are working with. Most of this meta data is obtained with calls to reflect and calls to reflect can be expensive. In one-off scenarios the overhead of gathering meta data is generally not a concern. But in tight-loop situations this overhead begins to add up and is a key reason reflect has gained a reputation for being slow in the Go community. Where appropriate types in this package have a Rebind method. Rebind swaps the current value being worked on with a new incoming value without regathering reflect meta data. When used appropriately with Rebind the BoundMapping, PreparedMapping, and Value types become much more performant. Several examples ignore errors for brevity: This is a conscious decision because error checking is not the point of the examples. However in production code you should check errors appropriately.

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
Keywords: go, golang, reflection, type-coercion, type-conversion, typeconversion
License: MIT
Latest release: almost 2 years ago
First release: over 3 years ago
Dependent packages: 6
Dependent repositories: 4
Stars: 44 on GitHub
Forks: 2 on GitHub
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Last synced: 21 days ago
