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Package pipeline contains an implementation of the Pipeline concurrency pattern with Go 1.18 generics support. This Pipeline concurrency pattern is inspired by the blog post from the Go dev team here: This library takes the overall idea of the blog post and makes it easier to use by implementing it with support of generics, introduced in Go 1.18. Additional care has also been taken in the design of the API to ensure that both connecting multiple pipelines and creating multi-stage pipelines are as easy as possible. To better understand how a pipeline works we start by taking a look at the components that make up a pipeline. A Producer is a channel from which a pipeline gets its inputs from, a pipeline will continue to read from the producer channel until it is closed or the context is cancelled . More on the cancellation of the context later in the Stopping Short section. A Consumer is any struct that consumes a Producer. This library provides an interface with the definition of a Consumer. Anything that matches the signature is implicitly a consumer. Since a pipeline itself is obviously a consumer of some input, and a pipeline can be considered a producer since it returns a channel where the results are sent into, chaining pipelines is both logically natural and as been made easy to do so. We will discuss it in more detail in the Chaining Pipelines section. A ConsumerFunc, which is a function that takes a channel, into which the results of the pipeline are sent, as its sole argument. Since a channel where values are sent into is also the definition of a Producer, you can consider a ConsumerFunc as this: Stages are the heart of the pipeline. While the API of a Stage look extremely similar to that of a Pipeline, the actual multiplexing of the workers and the final collation of the results are done by the stage. Therefore, the NewStage function requires additional parameters to control the multiplexing behaviours of the stage. Each stage must have a Worker function. A worker can either be a simple function that takes an input and returns an output or an error; or a StreamWorker that continuously reads from the producer and sends its output into a channel. The Stage will take care of the concurrency of the workers and the combination of the results. Since multiple Worker instances will be created, Worker functions are expected to be thread-safe to prevent any unpredictable results. The workerPoolSize parameter defines the upper bound of the number of workers. All Worker goroutines are lazily created. A new worker goroutine is created when a new input is read from the producer, until workerPoolSize is reached. Given that goroutines are cheap to create, in order to keep the implementation as simple as possible, no worker re-use will happen in this growing phase. Once workerPoolSize is reached, worker goroutines will compete for the inputs from the producer until the pipeline is done. The pool will not auto shrink for simplicity reasons. The bufferSize parameter defines the buffer size of the output channel. This allows the processing to start without having to block wait on the consumer to start reading. There are multiple ways of consuming the output of a pipeline. 1. Create a Consumer, and have the Consumes function take the returned channel of a pipeline. When we chain pipelines, this is the most effortless way. 2. Create a ConsumerFunc, pass it to the pipeline using the WithConsumer method. The advantage of consuming the pipeline results this way is that the ConsumerFunc can be easily written and unit tested without even needing a pipeline. 3. Directly taking the returned channel of the Produces method and reading from it. Although this approach requires the least code to be written, we strongly encourage applications to not use this approach and instead use methods 1 and 2, as those two methods allow modular and unit-testable code to be written. More advanced uses of the Consumer and Producer pattern will be discussed further in the Chaining Pipelines section. A Pipeline also has a set of APIs to make pipeline chaining straight-forward. While connecting multiple pipelines will produce identical results as a single pipeline with all the constituent stages, there are advantages of having composable pipelines. The main advantage of making pipelines composable is so that pipelines from different authors and libraries can be easily re-used. Without the ability to directly connect pipelines, authors would need to explicitly create a Stage instance for each stage of their Pipeline, and make them public, instead of allowing the Pipeline's AddStage API to do it behind the scenes automatically. More ever, users will also need to ensure that these stages are added to their own pipeline in the correct order. With composable pipelines, this is no longer an issue. A Pipeline can be made a producer of another Pipeline by passing the return value of the Produces method. A pipeline can also directly consume the result of another Pipeline with the Consumes method. Examples of composing pipelines can be found in the example of the Produces method. Sometimes it is desirable to stop a pipeline short of its completion. A good example would be that if we use a pipeline for a web server, in which case the producer channel will stay open for as long as the server runs and will not be closed. However, we still want a way to force shutdown the server, a switch that if flicked, would immediately stop the server from accepting new requests and for the pipeline to organically end. This is where the context comes in. In the case where the application needs to stop the pipeline immediately, it should cancel the context, and the pipeline and all of its stages will stop processing and terminate gracefully. A pipeline is designed to fail fast. That is, if any error should occur at any time at any stage, the pipeline terminates. The Start function on both Stage and Pipeline returns a channel of errors, however, as soon as a single error is fed into the channel, the entile pipeline halts and the error can be read from the channel. There are 3 important dials that would help fine tune the performance characteristics of a pipeline: the buffer size of the producer, workerPoolSize and bufferSize of the stage. Making the producer a buffered channel and adjusting the buffer size allows any code that sends into the producers to execute without having to block wait on the pipeline to be ready, which in turn might improve the overall performance of the application by allowing more code to actually run concurrently. Similar to making the producer channel a buffered channel, you can also adjust the bufferSize of each stage in the pipeline. This is buffer size of the output channel. This allows the stage to proceed without having to block wait on the consumer being ready. And similar to the effect of having a buffered producer, this would potentially allow more code to run concurrently. The third dial that can affect the performance of a pipeline is the size of the worker pool. In theory, if the producer can saturate the worker pool, and the consumer can consume all of the output, then the throughput of each stage should scale linearly with the size of the worker pool. However, in reality, this scaling is affected by many factors and will almost never simply be linear. Applications are recommended to run benchmarks with real workloads and tweak the setting to find the most suitable combination of producer and consumer buffer sizes and worker pool sizes. The Benchmark* methods in stage_test.go offers a good starting point on how to write such benchmark test cases. While use cases would be extremely rare for a pipeline itself or its stages to be shared across multiple goroutines, efforts have been made to ensure that both pipelines and stages are thread safe themselves. That is, calling AddStage* from different goroutines will not cause any race condition, and moreover, the Start methods on both Pipeline and Stage are re-entrant, so even if these methods are called multiple times from different goroutines accidentally, no ill-effect is to be expected. The more important aspect about thread-safety is the workers. The workers need to be thread safe as they will be executed in multiple goroutines, provided that workerPoolSize is set to higher than 1. In the rare case where the workers cannot be made thread-safe, users can simply set the workerPoolSize to 1, this would force the stage to create only a single worker goroutine, thus maintaining thread safety. Please note that even with workerPoolSize set to one, a pipeline is still useful in multiple ways: it still allows all the other benefits like chaining; you can still tweak the bufferSize of a stage so that the worker can start executing before the next stage is ready for better throughput.

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
Keywords: concurrency, generics, golang, multithreading
License: Apache-2.0
Latest release: about 2 years ago
First release: over 1 year ago
Dependent packages: 1
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Stars: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 22 days ago
