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Package xmlwriter provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way to generate XML data. The API is based heavily on libxml's xmlwriter API [1], which is itself based on C#'s XmlWriter [2]. It offers some advantages over Go's default encoding/xml package and some tradeoffs. You can have complete control of the generated documents and it uses very little memory. There are two styles for interacting with the writer: structured and heap-friendly. If you want a visual representation of the hierarchy of some of your writes in your code and you don't care about a few instances of memory escaping to the heap (and most of the time you won't), you can use the structured API. If you are writing a code generator or your interactions with the API are minimal, you should use the direct API. xmlwriter.Writer{} takes any io.Writer, along with a variable list of options. xmlwriter options are based on Dave Cheney's functional options pattern ( Provided options are: Using the structured API, you might express a small tree of elements like this. These nodes will escape to the heap, but judicious use of this nesting can make certain structures a lot more readable by representing the desired XML hierarchy in the code that produces it: The code can be made even less dense by importing xmlwriter with a prefix: `import xw ""` The same output is possible with the heap-friendy API. This has a lot more stutter and it's harder to tell the hierarchical relationship just by looking at the code, but there are no heap escapes this way: Use whichever API reads best in your code, but favour the latter style in all code generators and performance hotspots. xmlwriter.Writer extends bufio.Writer! Don't forget to flush otherwise you'll lose data. There are two ways to flush: The EndAllFlush form is just a convenience, it calls EndAll() and Flush() for you. Nodes which can have children can be passed to `Writer.Start()`. This adds them to the stack and opens them, allowing children to be added. Becomes: <foo><bar><baz/></bar></foo> Nodes which have no children, or nodes which can be opened and fully closed with only a trivial amount of information, can be passed to `Writer.Write()`. If written nodes are put on to the stack, they will be popped before Write returns. Becomes: <foo/><bar/><baz/> Block takes a Startable and a variable number of Writable nodes. The Startable will be opened, the Writables will be written, then the Startable will be closed: Becomes: There are several ways to end an element. Choose the End that's right for you! Nodes as they are written can be in three states: StateOpen, StateOpened or StateEnd. StateOpen == "<elem". StateOpened == "<elem>". StateEnd == "<elem></elem>". Node structs are available for writing in the following hierarchy. Nodes which are "Startable" (passed to `writer.Start(n)`) are marked with an S. Nodes which are "Writable" (passed to `writer.Write(n)`) are marked with a W. - xmlwriter.Raw* (W) - xmlwriter.Doc (S) * `xmlwriter.Raw` can be written anywhere, at any time. If a node is in the "open" state but not in the "opened" state, for example you have started an element and written an attribute, writing "raw" will add the content to the inside of the element opening tag unless you call `w.Next()`. Every node has a corresponding NodeKind constant, which can be found by affixing "Node" to the struct name, i.e. "xmlwriter.Elem" becomes "xmlwriter.ElemNode". These are used for calls to Writer.End(). xmlwriter.Attr{} values can be assigned from any golang primitive like so: xmlwriter supports encoders from the package. UTF-8 strings written in from golang will be converted on the fly and the document declaration will be written correctly. To write your XML using the windows-1252 encoder: The document line will look like this:

Registry - Source - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:golang/
Keywords: go, golang, pure-go, xml
License: Apache-2.0
Latest release: about 1 year ago
First release: over 2 years ago
Dependent packages: 145
Dependent repositories: 203
Stars: 23 on GitHub
Forks: 5 on GitHub
Docker dependents: 1
Docker downloads: 13
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Last synced: 29 days ago
