
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : rocalution

rocALUTION is a sparse linear algebra library with focus on exploring fine-grained parallelism on top of AMD's Radeon Open eCosystem Platform ROCm runtime and toolchains, targeting modern CPU and GPU platforms. Based on C++ and HIP, it provides a portable, generic and flexible design that allows seamless integration with other scientific software packages.

Registry - Source - JSON
purl: pkg:spack/rocalution
Keywords: cplusplus, cuda, fortran, mpi, opencl, openmp, solver, sparse
License: Other
Latest release: 2 months ago
First release: about 2 years ago
Stars: 60 on GitHub
Forks: 32 on GitHub
Total Commits: 613
Committers: 34
Average commits per author: 18.029
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.473
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Last synced: 2 days ago