
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. "cpp17" keyword

fastgltf 0.7.0
A modern C++17 glTF 2.0 library focused on speed, correctness, and usability
4 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 202 stars on GitHub
ghc-filesystem 1.5.14
An implementation of C++17 std::filesystem for C++11/C++14/C++17/C++20 on Windows, macOS, Linux a...
3 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,131 stars on GitHub
Top 9.4% on
doctest 2.4.11 💰
The fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework
2 versions - Latest release: 9 months ago - 1 dependent package - 155 dependent repositories - 4,740 stars on GitHub
hpx 1.9.1 💰
The C++ Standards Library for Concurrency and Parallelism HPX is a C++ Standards Library for Conc...
3 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 2,123 stars on GitHub
open62541pp 0.12.0
C++ wrapper of the open62541 OPC UA library
1 version - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 69 stars on GitHub
elements 2022-12-07
Elements is a lightweight, fine-grained, resolution independent, modular GUI library.
1 version - Latest release: 8 months ago - 2,643 stars on GitHub
cista 0.14
Cista is a simple, high-performance, zero-copy C++ serialization & reflection library.
2 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 1,361 stars on GitHub
bshoshany-thread-pool 4.0.1
BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library
3 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 3 dependent repositories - 1,253 stars on GitHub
fast-float 6.0.0
Fast and exact implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for float and double types: 4x fast...
4 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 1,142 stars on GitHub
skyr-url 1.13.0
A C++ library that implements the WhatWG URL specification
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 49 stars on GitHub
neargye-semver 0.3.0 💰
C++17 header-only dependency-free versioning library complying with Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 9 dependent repositories - 230 stars on GitHub
ctre 3.8.1
A Compile time PCRE (almost) compatible regular expression matcher
4 versions - Latest release: 27 days ago - 4 dependent repositories - 2,697 stars on GitHub
task-thread-pool 1.0.7
Fast and lightweight thread pool for C++11 and newer.
1 version - Latest release: 8 months ago - 3 stars on GitHub
pegtl 3.2.7
The Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library (PEGTL) is a zero-dependency C++ header-only pars...
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 3 dependent packages - 119 dependent repositories - 1,681 stars on GitHub
pegtl-2 2.8.3
The Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library (PEGTL) is a zero-dependency C++ header-only pars...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 103 dependent repositories - 1,681 stars on GitHub
xorstr 2021-11-20
Heavily vectorized c++17 compile time string encryption
2 versions - Latest release: 9 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 900 stars on GitHub
lionkor-commandline 2.2.0
A C++ commandline for use in servers and chat software. Provides very simple asynchronous input/o...
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 76 stars on GitHub
yomm2 1.4.0
YOMM2 is an implementation of open multi-methods.
3 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 286 stars on GitHub
fmi4cpp 0.8.0
FMI 2.0 implementation written in modern C++
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 68 stars on GitHub
alpaka 1.1.0
The alpaka library is a header-only abstraction library for accelerator development
3 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 264 stars on GitHub
rang 3.2
Colors for your Terminal.
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,334 stars on GitHub
selene 0.3.1
A C++17 image representation, processing and I/O library.
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 289 stars on GitHub
vili 1.0.0+20221123 💰
A nice and readable data format !
1 version - Latest release: 8 months ago - 25 stars on GitHub
so5extra 1.6.1
A set of additional tools for SObjectizer framework.
3 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 14 stars on GitHub
Top 8.6% on
entt 3.13.1 💰
Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity-component system and much more
5 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 1 dependent package - 154 dependent repositories - 7,831 stars on GitHub
influxdb-cxx 0.7.1
InfluxDB C++ client library
2 versions - Latest release: 9 months ago - 67 stars on GitHub
cub 2.1.0
CUB is a flexible library of cooperative threadblock primitives and other utilities for CUDA kern...
2 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 1,393 stars on GitHub
shaderwriter 2.7.0
Library to write shaders directly from C++ code, supports GLSL, HLSL and SPIRV outputs.
4 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 179 stars on GitHub
avcpp 2.2.1
Wrapper for the FFmpeg that simplify usage it from C++ projects.
3 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 342 stars on GitHub
tomlplusplus 3.4.0 💰
Header-only TOML config file parser and serializer for modern C++.
3 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 37 dependent repositories - 1,031 stars on GitHub
argparse 3.0
Argument parser for modern C++
3 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 17 dependent repositories - 1,647 stars on GitHub
daw-json-link 3.23.2
Perhaps the fastest JSON deserializer/serializer posssible or at least close to it.
5 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 359 stars on GitHub
dyno 2019-11-13
Runtime polymorphism done right
1 version - Latest release: 4 months ago - 893 stars on GitHub
polymorphic-value 1.3.0
A polymorphic value-type for C++
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 214 stars on GitHub
ztd-text 2023-11-03
A spicy text library.
2 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 241 stars on GitHub
z4kn4fein-semver 0.2.1
Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 library for modern C++
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 115 dependent repositories - 14 stars on GitHub
magic-enum 0.9.5 💰
Header-only C++17 library provides static reflection for enums, work with any enum type without a...
5 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 1 dependent package - 235 dependent repositories - 3,518 stars on GitHub
nameof 0.10.3 💰
Nameof operator for modern C++, simply obtain the name of a variable, type, function, macro, and ...
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 1 dependent package - 99 dependent repositories - 1,631 stars on GitHub
cppmicroservices 3.7.6
An OSGi-like C++ dynamic module system and service registry
2 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 774 stars on GitHub
flecs 3.2.11 💰
A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
5 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 3,654 stars on GitHub
nt-wrapper 2019-08-10
A header only wrapper library around native windows system APIs
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 383 stars on GitHub
absent 0.3.1
A small C++17 library meant to simplify the composition of nullable types in a generic, type-safe...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 35 stars on GitHub
scope-guard 1.1.0
A public, general, simple, and fast C++11 scope guard that defends against implicitly ignored ret...
1 version - Latest release: 8 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 142 stars on GitHub
cpp-redis 4.3.1
cpp-redis is a C++11 Asynchronous Multi-Platform Lightweight Redis Client, with support for synch...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 577 stars on GitHub
optional-lite 3.5.0
A C++17-like optional, a nullable object for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only ...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 5 dependent repositories - 363 stars on GitHub
croncpp 2023-03-30
croncpp is a C++11/14/17 header-only cross-platform library for handling CRON expressions.
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 184 stars on GitHub
fixed-string 0.1.1
Header-only C++17 library provides a string class with std::array fixed-size semantic.
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 86 stars on GitHub
arg-router 1.4.0
C++ command line argument parsing and routing.
2 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 23 stars on GitHub
p-ranav-csv 2019-07-11
[deprecated] CSV for modern C++
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 233 stars on GitHub
functions-framework-cpp 1.2.0
Functions Framework for C++.
2 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 23 dependent repositories - 34 stars on GitHub
argumentum 0.3.2
A C++17 command line argument parser inspired by Python argparse
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 166 stars on GitHub
osmanip 4.6.1
A cross-platform library for output stream manipulation using ANSI escape sequences.
2 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 201 stars on GitHub
ctbignum 2019-08-02
This is a header-only template library for fixed-width "small big-integer" computations, for use ...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 97 stars on GitHub
lockpp 1.0.2
A C++17 Library that provides mutex protected objects
2 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 110 dependent repositories - 2 stars on GitHub
libobfuscate 2023-03-23
Guaranteed compile-time string literal obfuscation header-only library for C++14.
1 version - Latest release: 4 months ago - 855 stars on GitHub
cpp-jwt 2022-08-27
JSON Web Token library for C++
2 versions - Latest release: 9 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 355 stars on GitHub
cpp-ipc 1.3.0
C++ IPC Library: A high-performance inter-process communication using shared memory on Linux/Wind...
2 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 1,103 stars on GitHub
asio-grpc 3.0.0
Asynchronous gRPC with Asio/unified executors
5 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 2 dependent repositories - 206 stars on GitHub
ashes 2023-03-12
Drop-in replacement to Vulkan's shared library, allowing the use of OpenGL or Direct3D11 in addit...
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 313 stars on GitHub
uvw 3.2.0 💰
A compilable static library, event based, tiny and easy to use libuv wrapper in modern C++.
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 3 dependent repositories - 1,640 stars on GitHub
serdepp 0.1.4
c++ 17 universal serialize deserialize library like rust serde, support libraries: [nlohmann_json...
2 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent repositories - 68 stars on GitHub
ztd-idk 2023-11-03
The IDK (Industrial Development Kit) library!
1 version - Latest release: 4 months ago - 22 stars on GitHub
gsl-lite 0.41.0
A single-file header-only implementation of ISO C++ Guidelines Support Library (GSL) for C++98, C...
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 2 dependent packages - 109 dependent repositories - 794 stars on GitHub
cxxgraph 2.0.0
CXXGraph is a header only comprehensive C++ graph library.
1 version - Latest release: 7 months ago - 300 stars on GitHub
luabridge3 3.0-rc3
A lightweight, dependency-free, suitable for game development library for binding Lua to C++17
1 version - Latest release: 8 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 130 stars on GitHub
vc 1.4.4
SIMD Vector Classes for C++ .
2 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 1,297 stars on GitHub
matchit 1.0.1 💰
matchit is a pattern matching library for C++17 with macro-free APIs
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 440 stars on GitHub
refl-cpp 0.12.4 💰
Static reflection for C++17 (compile-time enumeration, attributes, proxies, overloads, template f...
2 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 829 stars on GitHub
ctpg 1.3.7 💰
Compile Time Parser Generator is a C++ single header library which takes a language description a...
1 version - Latest release: 8 months ago - 409 stars on GitHub
alpaca 0.2.1
Alpaca is a serialization library written in C++17 - Pack C++ structs into a compact byte-array w...
2 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 303 stars on GitHub
stduuid 1.2.3
A C++17 cross-platform implementation for UUIDs
2 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 14 dependent repositories - 576 stars on GitHub
tabulate 1.5
Table maker for modern C++
3 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1,604 stars on GitHub
quill 3.6.0
C++14 Asynchronous Low Latency Logging Library
6 versions - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 768 stars on GitHub
span-lite 0.10.3
A C++20-like span for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 158 dependent repositories - 440 stars on GitHub
boost-pfr 1.84.0
Boost pfr module
5 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 2 dependent packages - 117 dependent repositories - 1,109 stars on GitHub
mtlt 1.0.0
Tonitaga 2024. MTLT is a header-only math matrix library that allows you to do compile-time calcu...
1 version - Latest release: about 2 months ago - 13 stars on GitHub
libremidi 4.3.0
A modern C++ MIDI real-time & file I/O library
3 versions - Latest release: 27 days ago - 265 stars on GitHub
ring-span-lite 0.6.0
A C++yy-like ring_span type for C++98, C++11 and later in a single-file header-only library
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 131 stars on GitHub
pprint 2019-07-19
Pretty Printer for Modern C++
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 894 stars on GitHub
shiva 1.0
Modern C++ Game Engine
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 117 dependent repositories - 158 stars on GitHub
sol2 3.3.1 💰
Sol v2.0 - a C++ <-> Lua API wrapper with advanced features and top notch performance - is here, ...
2 versions - Latest release: 27 days ago - 1 dependent package - 121 dependent repositories - 3,372 stars on GitHub
bfgroup-lyra 1.6.1 💰
A simple to use, composable, command line parser for C++ 11 and beyond
2 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 3 dependent repositories - 396 stars on GitHub
urho3d 2021-03-01
Urho3D is a free lightweight, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine implemented in C++ and release...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 4,291 stars on GitHub
unordered-dense 4.4.0 💰
A fast & densely stored hashmap and hashset based on robin-hood backward shift deletion
3 versions - Latest release: 28 days ago - 3 dependent repositories - 518 stars on GitHub